June 21, 2021

biden* regime briefs media shill on two plans to stop turning back ANY illegal immigrant by end of July

When the biden*harris cabal wants to do something they know is likely to lose 'em votes from fence-sitters, they almost always float a "trial balloon" first.  They do this by giving a friendly Mainstream Media shill "the inside scoop," letting the shill make the case for the proposed change.

The regime has been allowing well over half of the aliens invading our country to remain in the U.S, in violation of federal law (now totally ignored).  But this isn't good enough for the cabal, so in their eagerness to get as many illegal aliens as possible into the interior of the U.S., the regime is now about to officially stop turning ANY illegal back to Mehico.  

The regime is determined to do this.  They're just not sure which of two methods would be more likely to fly under everyone's radar.

"Plan A" is to have Joe just sign yet another in the long list of "executive orders" by which biden* undoes a Trump-era rule.  But some in the regime worry that this would irritate some voters and might cost the Dems House seats in the midterm elections, so they've proposed Plan B:  Months ago the ACLU--one of the big pushers for open borders--sued the administration to FORCE it to stop enforcing an order that turned back a small percentage of illegal invaders because of possible covid risk.  Under Plan B the regime would simply not defend the ACLU lawsuit, letting the ACLU win, thus nullifying the previous policy.

Clever, eh?   Actually "extremely cunning."  These people are professionals in the art of manipulation.

So...Axios is a firmly leftist, biden*harris supporting outfit.  So as the regime decides which of the proposals to stop turning a single illegal back will go over better, they called Axios female "reporter" (shill) "Stef Knight" and gave her "the inside scoop."  Here's her article, edited to remove at least a small amount of the utter propaganda:

The White House is considering ending — as early as July 31 — the use of a Trump-era public health order that's let U.S. border officials quickly turn migrant families back to Mexico, Axios has learned.

Why it matters: The policy, known as Title 42, has resulted in tens of thousands of migrant family members, including asylum seekers, being sent away — as well as thousands of kids, then separating from their families to cross into the United States alone.

  • Title 42 was rooted in protecting the U.S. from an influx of COVID-19. Maintaining its use has been harder to defend while the Biden administration touts climbing vaccination rates and slowing death and infection numbers.
  • Top CDC officials, as well as physicians who serve as consultants for the Department of Homeland Security, also have opposed using the public health order to expel migrants.

Note the cunning use of the euphemistic term "migrants."  Never "illegal immigrants," cuz the scheme is to make naive and low-info Americans think anyone who opposes open borders is "anti-immigrant."  The clever wording is quite deliberate.

Between the lines: President Biden has been briefed on a plan for stopping family expulsions by the end of July, as well as the option of letting a court end it, Axios has learned.

  • The administration has been in negotiations with the ACLU, which has put a temporary hold on its lawsuit targeting the practice of expelling families.
  • Top administration officials have suggested Biden seize the initiative by ending the order, which has been sharply criticized by immigration advocates and many of his fellow Democrats.
  • They argue that allowing the ACLU to sue would force the Justice Department to defend Trump's policy.
  • That, in turn, could result in sensitive information being released through the litigation process and could be seen as contradictory to Biden's commitment to asylum.

What they're saying: A White House official told Axios it's "a public health decision that will be made ultimately on those grounds," adding the administration would not get ahead of any CDC determinations.

Until two weeks ago many Dem governors forbade Americans from attending a church service, allegedly because of the risk of the virus.  But under the new regime policy NO illegal alien will be deported, even if they test positive for the virus.  Cuz the regime is all about safety, citizen.

Although thousands of families have been kicked back to Mexico under Title 42 in recent months, since March, the policy has been applied to less than half of family encounters.

"Kicked back to Mexico..."  Wow, no emotional flag words there, eh?  It's right up there with "separating children from their families and FORCING THEM to cross into the U.S. alone."

  • This is due to limited space in Mexican shelters and some Mexican states refusing to take in families with young children
  • The administration also has set up a process for exempting more migrants from Title 42 out of humanitarian concern.

Gosh, I wonder what the criteria will be for getting an "exemption out of humanitarian concern," eh?  Answer: "Are you alive?  Will you vote Democrat?  Okay, you're in."   Say, how many people on the planet will qualify for THAT free entry ticket, eh?

What to watch: Over the weekend, the ACLU extended its pause on litigation until July 2.

  • White House officials believe there are far fewer risks in ending the policy on their own.
  • Still, they've also admitted there's a chance it could lead to an uptick of migrant families coming to the U.S.-Mexico border and could create more pressure to also end Title 42 for single adults.

Ah, y'say regime officials "admitted there's a chance it could lead to an uptick of migrant families coming to the U.S.-Mexico border," eh?  "A chance"?  C'mon, man!  It's absolutely certain.  And an "uptick"?  That would mean a percent or two, but the reality wil be what, a 180 percent increase?  

Of course "a chance" of an "uptick" sounds so totally benign, no problem at all, comrade.  "Reporter" Stef certainly earned her pay with this article.

Now, mark July 31 on your calendar, and see which plan the regime has decided will hurt Dems less. 



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