January 09, 2021

You too can try your hand at predicting the future! Take a shot at predicting the answer to 40 questions about the future

Okay, gang, time to try your hand at predicting the future!  Don't claim that's impossible, or that you can't do it.  Even if you're not a political junkie, everyone sort of soaks up what passes for "news" and subtle events that the news almost never covers, and your unconscious builds a picture of what you think is likely to happen.

Just to review the situation:  The Democrats now have the presidency and control of both chambers of congress, so they can do anything they want.  So take a deep breath and tackle some really easy issue questions:

   1. Will Harris, Biden and the Dems increase the number of foreigners they allow into the U.S. in the next 4 years?  If so, by what percentage compared to 2020? 

  • If they do increase the number, will the Mainstream Media praise this move?
   2. Will Harris, Biden and the Dems begin removing the wall on the Mexican border?  If so, when? 
  • In the first 100 days
  • Sometime in the first year
  • Not until the third or fourth year 
  • Bonus question: When they begin dismantling the wall, will the Mainstream Media praise that act?

   3.  Will Biden, Harris and the Dems try to give statehood to totally-Democrat DC and/or Puerto Rico?  (Keep in mind that admitting both would give the Dems 4 more senate votes and at least 5 more in the House.)

   4.  Will Harris, Biden et al remove Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, changing it back to Tel Aviv?

   5.  Will the Democrats prosecute a SINGLE antifa infiltrator in the capitol protest, or will the corrupt FBI decide that not a single antifa member was there?

   6.  How long before Biden, Harris and the Dems declare the Chinese virus is no longer a threat, and lift all the Dem-imposed lockdowns?

  • In the first 100 days
  • By the end of year one

   7.  Will China move to invade Taiwan (formerly "Nationalist China)?  If so, will Harris/Biden and the Dems do anything substantive to block the move?

   8.  Will Biden, Harris and the Democrats recognize "Palestine" as a state, as the Squad has demanded?

  • If yes, will the Mainstream Media praise this as a great thing?

   9.  Will Harris, Biden and the Dems reverse Trump's policy of refusing to allow trannies to enlist in the U.S. armed forces?  

   10. If they do reverse Trump's policy, will taxpayers be required to pay for full sex-change operations for the enlistees? 

   11.  Will Harris, Biden and the Dems reverse Trump's reversal of Obama's order that all K-12 public schools were required to allow tranny students to use whichever bathroom and locker-room they liked?

   12.  Will Harris, Biden and the Dems reverse Trump's tax cuts?  

  • If yes, will the media praise the reversal as a great thing for voters? 

   13.  Will Harris, Biden and the Dems give money to bankrupt Dem-ruled states?  If so, which ones?

  • New York
  • Illinois
  • California

   14.  Will the Democrats who rule congress allow any *substantive* election reforms to prevent future steals?  If so, which cosmetic "reforms" do you think they'll allow?

  • Photo ID
  • Signature comparison (it's required now, but was totally ignored in the 2020 election)
  • Retaining envelopes for mail-in ballots so signatures can be compared with those on file in the voter's precinct in the event of an AUDIT (not a re-count)
  • Automatic rejection of ballots where the would-be voter claims a vacant lot or PO box as his or her address
  • Verifying that people who have voted in a state, but who have filed "national change-of-address forms" with the Post Office, are actually still living in the state where they voted, and are thus actually eligible to vote there?  (Stacey Abrams' sister, a federal judge appointed by Obama, RULED that the votes of voters who had filed a change-of-address form saying they'd moved out of state, but who voted in Georgia, must be counted;

15.   Will Harris, Biden, Pelosi, Schumer et al order the confiscation of *substantially all* handguns from civilians?  If so, when will that happen?

  • First year
  • Third year
  • Fourth year

16.  Will Harris, Biden, Pelosi, Schumer et al fund "free" medical care for illegal aliens --excuse me: "future American voters?

17.  Obama DECREED that illegal aliens brought to the U.S. under the age of 15 or so could stay.  He called this "DACA," because the acronym couldn't be deciphered.  It meant "Deferred action for childhood arrivals," but of coursse that still doesn't tell you what it DID.  A year later he followed this with a SECOND DECREE, called "DAPA."  Again, the acronym was deliberately meaningless.  It stood for "Deferred action for parents of Americans."  Does that tell you anything?  Of course not, and that was totally intentional.  DAPA allowed kids brought into the U.S. under Obama's illegal (but tolerated) DACA decree--the so-called "Americans" in the acronym--to bring their parents to the U.S., regardless of quotas or vetting.  It was calculated, and cunning.  And illegal.

   After a four-year legal challenge that ended up in the supreme court, the court finally ruled DAPA wasn't legal.  Now the question: how long do you think it will take for Harris, Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, AOC et al to pass a LAW re-instating DAPA?

18.  Will Harris, Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, AOC, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib et all cut the defense budget?  If so, by how much?

  • Less than ten percent
  • 10-20%
  • More than 20%
19.  Will Harris take over as president?  If so, when?
  • Within the first year
  • Not until the fourth year
20.  If so, how will that happen?
  • 25th amendment ("mentally incompetent")
  • death
  • resignation
21.  Now that Harris and Biden are co-presidents, will the BLM/Antifa riots mysteriously stop? (Harris predicted they would NOT stop after the election, but that may have been because she didn't really expect the Dems would win.)

22.  Will a combination of job creation and taxpayer dollars (like L.A.'s $130,000 for a 100-square-foot "mini-home") reduce "the problem of drug-addled homelessness?"
23.  If the answer to the question above is NO, will the networks mysteriously stop reporting on all the stories of "the homeless" in major U.S. cities (all, by coincidence, Democrat-ruled)?

24.  Will Harris, Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, AOC, Pressley, Tlaib, Omar et al pass laws allowing states to decline to teach math to K-12 students, since Seattle progressives have unequivocally proven that math is raaacist?

25.  Harris, Biden and their Dem comrades have promised to re-name all U.S. military bases named for any Confederate generals, or anyone who supported the Confederacy.  A dumb or treasonous interim Sec of Defense made the terrible (for the GOP) decision to appoint a commission to "study" this and recommend new names, allowing the Media to--astonishingly but not surprisingly--blame Trump for the re-naming.  How long before the bases are re-named?
  • First year
  • Third year or later
26.  In internal speeches to their own people, the mullahs of Iran have vowed to produce atomic bombs.  Obama, the Dems and the Great American Warrior John Kerry were all for that, but Trump realized the so-called "non-treaty treaty" was a sham and withdrew from it.  Will Harris, Biden and the Dems reinstate the "nuclear agreement"?  
  • Regardless of the answer above, will Harris, Biden and the Dems allow Iran to build an atomic bomb?
27.  Democrat District Attorneys in San Francisco, L.A, Portland, Dallas, Baltimore and Philly have declared that they will no longer prosecute thefts or property damage if the amount stolen or cost of the damage is less than around $1000.  As a result, thieves are walking into stores and simply grabbing an armload of merchandise and walking out.  The cops no longer bother to even take reports.  Question: Under the brilliant leadership of the dynamic Democrats, will we see more of this, including this policy spreading to other Dem-ruled cities?

28.  Democrats are huge pushers of a thing they call the "Green New Deal," under which they propose to either ban all carbon-based fuel, or else make such fuels so costly that people will voluntarily stop using them.  Obama pushed this by getting his EPA to declare carbon dioxide a "pollutant," and to order all coal-fired electric powerplants to either undergo crazy-expensive retrofits or shut down within four years--a move that would have resulted in the shutdown of roughly 40 percent of U.S. electrical generation.  Fortunately Trump countermanded that decree, so we still have affordable electricity.  But since Democrats can never be seen to lose, and are still firmly wedded to eliminating carbon fuels, how long do you think it will take for Harris, Biden, Schumer, Pelosi, Omar, Tlaib, Pressley, AOC and the rest to pass a law drastically increasing the tax on so-called "fossil fuels"?
  • First year
  • Third year
  • Never
29.  One of the proposals made by Democrat firebrand AOC was to eliminate commercial jet travel.  Not for them, of course, but for "ordinary Americans."  Now that the Democrats can't be blocked from doing anything they want, do you think they'll do that?  If so, when?

30.  Democrats have long wanted to pass laws making so-called "hate speech" (esentially defined as any speech that a Democrat doesn't like) a federal crime.  Do you think they'll pass such a law?  If so, when?

31.  Some Democrat-ruled states, like Oregon, have de-criminalized all drugs, including heroin, meth, coke, crack, weed and others.  (Okay, one of those hasn't been de-criminalized.  Go ahead and find out which one if you like.)  Dems believe this is a great idea nationally.  Do you think they'll pass a federal law decriminalizing most "recreational drugs"?

32.  How long do you think it will be before the Media declares that the phenomenally brilliant policies of the Harris/Biden administration have vanquished the Chinese virus?

33.  How long before the Media declares that thanks to Harris, Biden and the Democrat congress, the U.S. economy now is the greatest in history?

34.  Will serious crime, like murder and armed robbery, go up or down over the next four years?
35.  If the answer to the question above is "up", how long before the Media begins doing stories claiming serious crime is actually DOWN in virtually all big cities, thanks to Democrat policies?

36.  San Francisco is one of many U.S. cities that gives "free" syringes to heroin addicts.  (Of course they'r not actually "free," but the junkies don't pay for 'em--the magic of a Democrat economy.)  This has the advantage of decorating sidewalks with used needles, thus a tourist attraction for foreign visitors to that city.  But Dems claim giving junkies free syringes is the easiest way to reduce the spread of disease.  Do you think the Dems will pass a federal law requiring all cities to give free needles to anyone who asks?

37.  One of the really big liberal movements right now is to allow children to simply declare that they're really the opposite of their birth sex, and then be started on puberty-blocking drugs, followed by hormone treatment (being fed hormones of the sex they've declared they "are."  In a few states judges have declared that the kid has the absolute right to change sex without parental consent, and in several cases right here in the good ol' U.S., liberal judges have actually taken kids away from their parents if the parents don't want their kid to undergo this "treatment."  California has actually passed a LAW making it a crime for parents to try to block the state from changing their kids' gender.  So because the Dems solidly support the tranny movement, how long before they introduce a bill to expand California's law to the whole nation?

38.  Dems have long opposed the death penalty.  How long before they use their total control to make the death penalty illegal in the U.S.?

39.  The "filibuster" is a rule that requires bills to have 60 votes in the senate to advance, even though only a simple majority of votes are needed to actually pass the bill.  Yeah, crazy, but whatev.  While the Republicans had a majority in the senate, Democrats repeatedly used the filibuster to block laws they didn't like.  But bizarrely, rule experts say the ruling party could eliminate the filibuster by a simple majority vote.  (Yeah, even crazier, I know.) 
     In the past the majority party has left the filibuster in place because they knew they might eventually need it, but now that the Dems have an effective majority (it's 50-50 but if there's a tie the vice-president, comrade Harris, gets to break the tie), and more importantly, they don't have to worry about losing control of the senate ever again (there being no way to overturn election fraud), do you think the Dems will allow the filibuster to remain in force?  If not, how long before the Dems end the filibuster in the senate?
  • First 100 days
  • First year
  • Later
40.  Because Democrats own all the poll workers, and the postal workers, and the big city machines, what percentage of Democrat voters do you think would support measures that would actually, significantly reduce election fraud?
  • Less than two percent
  • Maybe five percent or so
  • I'm feeling reckless:  maybe 10 percent!
  • This can't possibly be a serious question, right?



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