Trump supporters, or Antifa?
A once-famous (and justly so), very smart person once noted that "A lie makes it half-way round the world before Truth has gotten its boots on."
Of course it's impossible to know what he meant by that, since the Ancient Ones often spoke in riddles, or even things called "parables," which expert PhDs tell us is a Babylonian term for "two marbles." Besides, the guy's dead, and in any case was white, so his observation is probably not relevant today, eh? Just another wild conspiracy story to oppress da masses, eh comrade?
Kidding aside, earlier today I wrote that a big move was underway to make Antifa/BLM infiltrators who broke into the capitol vanish. Actually I was 16 hours late: The plotters had their Narrative written and on-line by 5pm Wednesday (the day of the D.C. rally). Take a look at the dateline in the Rolling Stone article below:
Headline: "...*proves* this is the United States of QAnon."
Caption: "Supporters of Trump..."
With the busing in of Antifa infiltrators, cunningly disguised, The Narrative was already prepared. Now all that remained was to ensure that the media would portray people known to support Antifa as Trump supporters. Easy. Here's Rolling Stone's female Trump-hater:
The man is named Jake Angeli, and he is an aspiring actor from Arizona, but he is perhaps best known as the “QAnon Shaman,” one of the most prominent believers in the far-right extremist conspiracy theory QAnon, who regularly shows up at pro-Trump rallies in full-on regalia.
Ah, so that's why Jake's personal self-promotion page showed him in costume under his headline "At BLM rally in Phoenix." Eh, maybe he just got confused and thought he was at a BLM rally. Yeh, dat's it.
It's so easy to fool people who only hear one Narrative. "The" Narrative.
If you're over a certain age, you've lived though this before, beginning November 22nd, 1963 and lasting at least 20 years, until everyone lost interest. It was the Kennedy assassination. Part of the checklist was to craft a Narrative and stage things so that Narrative seemed plausible.
If a few witnesses stubbornly gave testimony that contradicted the Narrative, it wouldn't matter, because the people running the thing held Important Positions, with Important Titles. The plotters knew that if they just made the Narrative superficially plausible, just enough to fool half the people, peer pressure and the desire of most people not to buck the perceived consensus would be enough. Time would take care of any loose ends.
And of course they were right.
So for example, a decade after the assassination, after enough Americans angrily complained to their congressmen that the Warren Commission was a whitewash, a cover for a lie, and demanded that congress re-open the investigation, those who knew about all the "loose ends" thought, Maybe, just maybe, the truth will finally come out.
Then when, by million-to-one coincidence, an old recording was found in a basement of a police radio channel, on which a police motorcycle at the Texas School Book Depository had experienced a "stuck mike" button (i.e. the radio was transmitting continuously during the entire period of the shooting, allowing modern computers to analyze the echoes, and that analysis showed more than the three shots supported by the shell casings in the carefully-staged "sniper's nest" on the 6th floor, the people who'd doubted the Narrative were optimistic.
But nothing came of it. Too late, no one cared anymore.
So regarding whether Antifa instigators infiltrated the rally-goers, disguised as Trump supporters, to discredit Trump and cut off any chance of investigating the eletion fraud, all that's needed is to have a handful of media outlets and commenters claim the people who so obligingly POSED for pics inside the capitol are Trump supporters. Guess we'll eventually find out, eh?
If they are, we should see trials, eh? If not, charges will be dropped. Any bets?
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