Media push to make Antifa protesters vanish from the capitol.
There's a HUGE push underway by every media outlet--even the ones you never heard of--to portray all the people rioting in the capitol on Jan 6 as Trump supporters. It's already underway. Example:
A VERY odd, totally tattooed character named Jake Agneli appeared in the capitol on Wednesday, wearing a horned headpiece with face painted in three broad stipes of red, white and blue. Every network and Mainstream Media site has shown Jake's pic, and he's being described as "a Q-anon supporter who goes by the name of Q-shaman."
Ah. Got it. Arizona there's a typically-left-supporting media site called "The Arizona Republic." Way back on September 20th of 2019 [yep] the Left held a rally screaming about the dire, fatal consequencs of global warming --excuse me: "climate change." And up on stage leading a chant against this awful plague was...good ol' Jake.
If the pic below was from a conservative source, you'd have a good case for being skeptical. But the Arizona Republic is pro-Democrat, pro-left. So this is Jake at least looking as though he's a leftist.
Now...if you've been paying attention you know that Trump pulled the U.S. out of the Paris "climate accords"--a cunning scheme to destroy western economies while communist nations were unhindered. Brilliant scheme, supported by every g_d-damn Democrat in the corrupt congress. (If you have a video showing even one Dem rep criticizing the accords, or supporting Trump's withdrawal from it, let me know. I won't hold my breath.)
Now follow me here, cuz it's gonna require some logic: Regardless of whether you buy into the claim that humans are warming the planet, Trump has explicitly said he thinks Dem claims that humans are causing global warming are bull. And Q-anon was anti-Deep-State and pro-Trump. So if ol' Jake were really aggrieved about global warming--now cunningly renamed "climagte change"--do ya think he'd be likely to be a fan of either Trump or Q-anon?
No way. Jake is either mentally whacked of else a paid provocateur. I'm bettin on mental, but you can make either case.
Now...a leftist site claims Jake said he read a bunch of conservative writing "and suddenly it all made sense." That's a great claim, and if you ever got the guy on the stand, with an honest prosecutor, you'd have a good shot at finding out if that's true.
Ah, there's the rub: Under Harris and friend, no "honest prosecutor" will ever put this guy on the stand. Just like the hundreds of pages of contradictory witness testimony ignored by the Warren Commission to let them reach their preferred conclusion that Oswald acted alone.
If you're a Democrat, of course, that's perfectly fine. "Contradictory eyewitness testimony must be dismissed, cuz...reasons."
Oh, we do have one other bit of info at this time as to Jake's real views. It's his personal profile on "" which is a self-promotion site used by wanna-bee actors. Or as Jake describes himself on his page, "a highly talented actor."
Keen observers will note that ol' Jake posted the pic of himself in the capitol Wednesday, with his Antifa/BLM anarchist buddies. He also titled the pic on the right side "AZ BLM rally in June." Fascinating that someone claimed by the Media to be a Trump supporter could walk around a BLM rally without getting beaten up, since his page says he's from Arizona and is presumably well-known by the locals. Of course they may have had a hard time recognizng him cuz he blends into the crowd so well.
Oh, and one more bit of evidence: Ol' Jake has deleted his promo page on
Oh, and one more thing: When an Arizona resident who knew Jake posted the exact pic on the lower right side, the rat-bastard letists who run Twatter slapped an orange warning on her post saying "Manipulated media!" Seriously.
So let's see if ol' Jake is prosecuted, and if all charges are quietly, mysteriously dismissed against HIM, while others do jail time.
Wait, do I hear my Democrat friends saying this isn't possible? That this could never happen, since our nation is a nation of laws? Spare me, cupcake--it's already happened. The prosecutor for Multnomah county (where Portland, Oregon is) has dismissed every charge against the Antifa/BLM rioters who attacked cops and vandalized public buildings for over 100 days last summer.
So spare me your "we're a nation of laws" bleats, please.
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