January 09, 2021

DC cop locked Trump supporters in their hotel. Media totally ignores.

Suppose you were a Democrat in a hotel and a right-wing raaaacist cop put a bar through the handles of the front door, locking you in, in an obvious violation of fire code.  Would that be unlawful?  A violation of your civil rights, perhaps?

Yeah, as well as a firing offense.

But if you're a cop locking a bunch of Trump supporters in their hotel in totally Democrat-ruled, thoroughly corrupt DC, apparently it's no big deal.  Video here.

Wait, Twatter is about to wave this away by saying it's "manipulated video."  And that the dozens of people locked inside by this fascist bitch cop are lying.  Cuz, see, if it had really happened, you would have heard about it all over the Mainstream Media, right?

Well, at least if the people being locked inside the hotel were Democrats.  And since the media is totes fair, and you didn't hear anything about it, it never happened, citizen.

Yeh, dat's it.

See, no avenue of proof of fascistic behavior by Democrat monkeys, regardless of quantity, can prevail against the monster Dorsey and his trained monkeys.  Cuz they've got immunity from the corruptocrat congress.


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