"The mystery of the good German"
During WW2 the west got dozens of eyewitness reports that the Nazis had shipped millions of people to camps, and were deliberately killing them by tens of thousands. No one in the government believed it, because it was too crazy.
But after WW2 ended a century ago (just kidding: 1945), the west finally confirmed the "crazy" reports. Millions of skeletons told the tale in terms that were impossible to debunk.
One of the many things tht made it hard for westerners to believe this tale (before the proof became impossible to debunk) was that since only about 3 percent of Germans were members of the Nazi party, no one in the west could understand how none of the rest of the German people could ignore the atrocity.
This "mystery of the Good German" baffled historians and assorted "experts." But we've just watched it happen here, and it turns out to be no mystery at all.
Psychologists have long known that the vast majority of people a) believe what they're told by "authority figures," and b) are terrified of being seen by other citizens as refusing to obey "the authorities." What we didn't know was how powerful these two factors are, and how fast the population would fall in line.
Well over half of all Americans have accepted irrational, unconstitutional and unprecedented orders taking away what had been thought of as rights. This included even the freedom to make a living, to meet others in your own home, and the right to express your thoughts without fear of being fired.
And as astonishing as all that is, what's equally frightening is how fast the scared half of Americans embraced the draconian, illogical orders.
The same for the acceptance by most Americans of the rampant censorship by Twatter and other social media platforms. Jack Dorsey's trained monkeys have even banned physicians and other scientists who offered scientific support for hydroxychloroquine and zinc to treat the virus. But the censorship is blythely waved away by Dems because it's being done by a company instead of a government entity.
(Ah. Can't wait for a conservative site to ban liberals. I can hear the media screaming now.)
Conservative Americans who speak their minds are routinely fired, even from tenured academic posts, but few Americans speak out against this. But when screaming BLM protestors surrounded diners outside restaurants, demanding they raise their fists to show their support of BLM, nearly every diner complied.
Having witnessed all this, we can now understand why almost no average German spoke against the Nazi regime, and the death camps. Same for the average Russian or Chinese or Cuban or Venezuelan who carefully said nothing about the dictators in his country.
And a key element enabling the power of dictatorships is the support of a corrupt, toadying media.
When half the population can't speak freely without fear of being fired or attacked by the mob; when judges refuse to investigate sworn affidavits by citizens claiming to have witnessed election fraud; when Leftists can lock you out of your job, that's fascism. And it's been embraced by the Left. They've made a choice, freely.
They scream about the mob that rushed the Capitol, screaming that it was "an attempted coup," but are so stupid and angry and vain they never realize that They Are The Crazed, Lawless Mob.
The Left are today's fascists.
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