Suppose that back in 2017 Trump had nominated an oilman as Secretary of Energy...
Suppose the New York Times published a story back in 2017 that Trump had nominated a man with close ties to the oil industry as his Secretary of Energy. A man who had been raking in $3 MILLION per year in speaking fees from addressing oil executives.
Would you have found that alarming? Maybe worry that the guy would be biased to favor his old industry? Sure. And you would have expected U.S. media outlets to flood the zone with this news, because good Americans hate corruption, eh?
Now, suppose president Trump had instead nominated a woman with major ties to the banking and finance sectors as his Treasury Secretary. If you were concerned about the example above, you should be concerned about this nominee as well, eh? And because of the appearance of a conflict of interest, you'd expect the media would flood the zone with coverage of that appointment too, eh?
So now: When Senile Joe nominated a woman as Treasury Secretary who'd raked in $3.6 MILLION per year for the last two years from the banking and finance sectors, did the Mainstream Media flood the zone telling Americans?
Not on your life. The Mainstream Media would never publish anything that might reflect badly on their new messiah or his co-president of semi-color.
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