December 28, 2020

Video of press conference in Ukraine that gives details of millions paid to Biden companies

As American judges use bullshit "procedural" dodges to avoid even hearing evidence of massive, brazen election fraud in open court, it looks as though a member of the government of Ukraine held an hour-long press conference in which he and others revealed tens of millions of dollars of government funds paid to Hunter Biden or companies controlled by him or his family.

Click this link, but you'd better look fast because my guess is that YouTube will take this down as soon as it starts trending.

Now, turns out this video came out in...September.  Not a single U.S. mainstream media outlet breathed a word about it, of course.   And an "intelligence-community official" has given 'em cover, by claiming--totally implausibly--that the guy who seems to be running the show is a Russian agent who was trying to damage Biden.

I say "implausibly" because think about it:  Who did more to build up our military: Trump, or Obama?  Who do you think would be a stronger opponent of Russia, China and other communist countries:  Biden, or Trump?  The answer should be obvious.  Obama dithered in the middle-east.  Trump repealed goofy rules of engagement that had been hamstringing our military forces, and they (predictably) kicked ISIS back into the stone age in an amazingly short time.

It's true that the man leading the September press conference in Ukraine is KGB, and the son of a KGB agent.  But ask yourself:  If you're Putin, who would you rather have as president of your main rival: Trump, or Harris/Biden?

The answer should be obvious.  All leaders of communist nations would want to be facing the confused, corrupt Biden and his co-president, Harris, rather than facing Trump.

The notion that the point of the press conference was to damage Biden/Harris doesn't pass the smell test.  My guess is that the "intell source" who claimed the Russian running the press conference was trying to damage Biden/Harris is Deep State, as they clearly hate Trump.

In any case, I understand YouTube has deleted this video several times, as soon as it's uploaded, but someone else uploads it again.


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