December 27, 2020

These three people have something in common. See if you can guess...

 Here's a fun multiple-choice puzzle for your year-end entertainent:  What do the three people below have in common? 

A.  Harris and Biden have selected them to head government agencies;

B.  NYC mayor Bill deBlasio and his charming, hardly-corrupt wife Chislaine have named them as the city's ambassadors to Portland, Seattle and the European Union;

C.  They've been nominated for the Nobel for medicine for developing the vaccine against a mysterious virus that came from nowhere and has killed over two million Americans;

D.  Harris and Biden have named them as U.S. Attorneys for western Washington State, western Oregon and southern California, respectively;

E.  They've been nominated for the Nobel peace prize, for firebombing cars used by da eeeebil po-lice to oppress LGBTQAIPRST+ individuals;

Okay, that was way too hard, right?  Cuz all of those are SO reasonable as America goes over the falls, eh?

Turns out they're all garden-variety BLM "activists."  Way back in August a bunch of 'em stormed a police parking lot in Little Rock, slashing the tires of police vehicles and throwing Molotov cocktails.

Then on Aug. 28, an Arkansas State Police vehicle was vandalized and burned at the Arkansas State Police Headquarters in Little Rock. "One vehicle had been set on fire, one had been vandalized with spray paint, and several others had punctured tires." 

One of 'em's a lesbian, another is a tranny from Chile.  Seems a lot of those groups support de-funding the cops and overthrowing the gummint.  But not the incoming Harris administration, of course.  That would be un-woke, eh? 

Isn't it interesting that you never heard a word about this anti-cop, anti-taxpayer vandalism before a minute ago?  That's cuz it happened in Arkansas, so the Mainstream Media wasn't interested.  Too busy supporting Antifa/BLM in Portland and Seattle, I guess.


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