January 10, 2021

Double standards for Leftists and conservatives, example #593,569

As Twatter, Fakebook and other "social media" giants continue to delete thousands of accounts belonging to conservatives who've said or uploaded something the leftist scum don't like, someone made a very interesting observation:

About 8 years ago two men went into a bakery that made custom wedding cakes, and asked the owner to make one for their gay wedding.  The owner politely declined, saying his religion didn't support gay marriage so baking a cake for one would violate his religious beliefs.  He offered to refer them to other shops that would accommodate their request.

The gays complained to the state's civil-rights commission, which sued the baker, and ultimately fined him something like $180,000 or so.  The baker (owner) was forced to declare bankruptcy and lost what had been a successful business for over a decade.  This same tactic was repeated several times by gays or trannies demanding artistic creations to celebrate their whatever, and resulted in several businesses being bankrupted.

So the legal precedent was set, that any person or company offering services to the public could NOT decline to provide those services to any member of the public by claiming religious grounds.

But now, predictably, the leftist social-media assholes are totally free to close the accounts of people they don't like, by invoking "terms of service," which everyone must agree to in order to use Twatter, et al.  Those terms say, in effect, that they can close your account for whatever reason they wish.

Is that cool or what?  Again, two standards, one for leftists, another for conservatives.  Gosh, if only the bakers and photogs had thought to have "Terms of Service," eh?

Nah, wouldn't have helped, cuz the corrupt congress gave the social media companies total immunity from all lawsuits in "section 230."  Now why do you think they did such a crazy thing, eh?


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