June 06, 2020

Leftist moron complains that 3 volunteers cleaning graffiti off a federal building is "abusing your privilege, ladies"

Didja know removing spray-painted graffiti on a public building is raaacist?  Well that's what the Left claims. [see caveat below]  So if you try to be a good citizen by removing graffiti painted on a federal building, you're inviting a beating by the mob.

Caveat: Of course this is only true if the graffiti you're trying to scrub off is pro-Leftist.  But Left is the only group that spray-paints graffiti on public buildings, so....

Again, according to the Left, spray-painting graffiti on federal buildings is perfectly wonderful.  In fact it's a signal that the vandalizer is virtuous.  So removing that vandalism is raaacist.

Ask 'em.  See if you can find a SINGLE leftist willing to say it's destructive to spray-paint slogans on a public building...or on a business.  Go ahead, I'll wait.

Naturally you can't believe any group could be so f*cking STUPID as to claim removing graffiti is raacist, right?

Well, watch the video below to see the proof:  Three young women are working to remove spray-painted BLM graffiti off a federal building in DC when a virtue-signaling white woman drives up and confronts them:  "Why are you cleaning BLM slogans off that building?"

Great question, comrade!  Why would ANYONE want to remove graffiti from a public building, eh?  Cuz 'everyone knows' graffiti is one of the signs of a "progressive," "woke," sophisticated society, right?  So that make removing it baaaad--at least according to the Left.

The young women try explaining to the leftist moron that graffiti is an eyesore and a sign of a f*cked society.  The fact that they had to explain this is itself a huge sign of how batshit-crazy the Left is.  The volunteers had to explain to the leftist moron why they were cleaning spray-painted graffiti off a public building that had been defaced by the leftist mob.

Notice how polite and non-confrontational the three volunteers are when aggressively confronted by someone bitching at them.  Imagine what would have happened if someone had confronted leftist "protesters" spray-painting the building and had asked them why they were defacing a public building?  The mob would have beaten the questioner nearly to death.

Frankly I'm surprised that the virtue-signaling Leftist didn't call her crazy leftist friends to come to the scene and beat the volunteers trying to remove their "woke" graffiti from the federal building.

So according to the Left, leftist graffiti good, cleaning it off a public building bad.

Wonder if the Left would use the same "logic" if the graffiti was ANTI-blm?  Or sprayed on a Leftist's house?

Hahahahahahaha!  Just kidding.  First, that would never happen.  And second, if it were to hypothetically happen, we all know that the Left would demand that it be removed immediately--and at public expense, of course.  You wouldn't see leftists removing graffiti themselves, cuz that's a job for public-sector unions.  And leftists would never try to take jobs away from a union, eh?

Say, here's an idea that will show whether this nagging leftist moron supports what she says:  How about we spray-paint HER CAR with "BLM," say on every door, and the hood and trunk.  If she really believes her own bullshit she'd be perfectly fine with that, right?


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