Lying Mainstream Media claims Trump ordering troops to DC was unconstitutional and unprecedented
For the past several days the Lying Mainstream Media have been shrieking that Trump sending in National Guard and regular military to DC was AWFUL, GHASTLY, UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!
Of course the Media--being the sons of bitches they are--left out a few small points: First, that order was entirely legal and constitutional. And second, numerous presidents have invoked this authority in the past to put down riots and insurrections.
Finally, I've read a dozen tweets by lying Leftists claiming that the purpose of ordering troops in was to "suppress free expression."
Got a news flash for ya, liberals: Despite what your professors taught you in your totally-unbiased liberal university, arson, rioting, looting and beating people in the streets are NOT valid forms of "free expression."
Here's wiki's take on an incomplete list of past presidents who used federal troops to quell rioting.

Die in a fire, Mainstream Media.
Of course the Media--being the sons of bitches they are--left out a few small points: First, that order was entirely legal and constitutional. And second, numerous presidents have invoked this authority in the past to put down riots and insurrections.
Finally, I've read a dozen tweets by lying Leftists claiming that the purpose of ordering troops in was to "suppress free expression."
Got a news flash for ya, liberals: Despite what your professors taught you in your totally-unbiased liberal university, arson, rioting, looting and beating people in the streets are NOT valid forms of "free expression."
Here's wiki's take on an incomplete list of past presidents who used federal troops to quell rioting.
Die in a fire, Mainstream Media.
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