June 05, 2020

Liberal city pols--supported by academics--demand that we abolish police departments.

The newest demand by the Left is to abolish city police forces.  The Minneapolis city council is just one of the liberal-ruled cities strongly recommending this, per their "president," Lisa Bender.

Ya know, I would actually encourage Minneapolis to do this.  Let's see how well it works.

This demand has been pushed by professors of sociology for years.  Cuz, raaacism.  And "guns are bad."  And "cops is raaacist."

Say, don't most universities have their own police departments?  With guns 'n sheeit?

Why yes, yes they do.  So I think a great place to START the experiment of removing police should start in "woke" universities.  We can't have guns on campus, citizen.

Then when the darling daughter of some libby couple is assaulted, they can't complain, cuz "Cops shouldn't be on campus."

Hey, I'm starting to see a lot more potential here:  If cops are bad, why is it good for "our elites"--pols, Hollywood celebs, rappers-- to have armed security?  What's the philosophical difference between those situations?  The idea is that cops enforce laws, and that's what armed security people do, eh?  Can't have that.  Can't wait for liberals to outlaw security people.

Hopefully both ideas will be a plank in the Democratic party's platform.

Hahahahahahaha!  Never happen.


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