June 05, 2020

How many billions of dollars in looting and arson? How many people beaten by the mob?

Unless you've paid close attention, you don't know how MUCH brutality and arson and looting has been done by the rioters excuse me..."mostly peaceful protesters" over the past week.  In the video below you'll see a few of the ghastly acts.

But don't worry, citizen:  Your mayor and governor have assured you that this hasn't happened, or that if it did, it was minor, and just the "legitimate expression of decades of oppression by White People!!!"

Yeah, right.

Each of us lives in what might be called an information bubble:  You only see a relatively tiny part of the real picture.  So it's really impossible to figure out what's happening to the nation as a whole.

But we're starting to learn.

The Lying Media and your Dem elected officials claim "Amerikkka is a RAAAACIST country!!"  Horse shit.  In case you've forgotten, Americans elected a black president--not once but twice.  So take that "raaacism" bullshit charge and shove it up your ass.

If the Democrat-loving Media hadn't scared everyone to death about the Chinese virus, it would have been regarded as just a slightly-worse-than-average flu season.  But the Media saw a way to destroy the economy by spurring governors and mayors to ordering people to stay home, and there ya go.

Then regarding the regrettable death of George Floyd, killed by a rogue cop:  Not a single American cheered that.  It's inexcusable.  But during Obama's reign dozens of blacks were killed by cops, yet there was only one riot.  Many more whites were killed by cops, but you never heard about those cases cuz it didn't advance the Media's Narrative.

During Obama's reign, a 300-pound black male attacked a police officer and was fatally shot.  You may have heard about it:  Ferguson, Missouri.  Mobs then looted local businesses, then burned several square blocks to the ground in riots lasting weeks.  Did the Media scream that Obama was incompetent for failing to stop the riots?  Not a bit.  Not a single word of criticism.

Different standards, baby.  It's the Democrat-Media way.


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