June 04, 2020

The Mainstream Media support arson, looting, murder by protesters, beating of innocents

There's no denying it:  The Lying Mainstream Media has declared that arson, looting, murder by protesters and beating of innocents is just f'n fine.  They've declared open war on police.

Of course you don't believe that, and I don't blame you.  Because no good American can believe the Media would do something designed and intended to start a war.  And certainly the Media didn't literally SAY that arson, murder and mobs beating innocents is fine.  But when they show the mobs burning businesses, and looting, have you EVER heard a word of criticism?

No.  What you hear is "mostly peaceful protesters."  "Long overdue airing of anger over injustice."

When cops take a knee to show they support the "mostly peaceful protesters," the media is gleeful, because the media is allied with the protesters and views cops as the enemy.

Network newscasts propagandize about the "mostly peaceful protesters" scores of times, but when a 77-year-old black cop is murdered--shot from behind--by a "protester" looting a pawn shop, the killing only gets a single brief mention.

Wait...I thought the very thing that set off this insane arson, looting and rioting was a black man being killed by a cop.  Why didn't the leftist Media give the same coverage to another black victim--this time a revered senior citizen?

Cuz the victim was a cop, and the media hate cops.  Another factor is that the killer was also black, so...doesn't support the Narrative.  Day ending in y.  Happens a dozen times a weekend in Chicago.  (This happened in St. Louis.)

Every time someone merely criticizes or jeers the media, like calling them out for "fake news," the media shrieks that our violent rhetoric might inspire violence, so we must have our free speech rights curtailed.  But when the rioters talk about "killing pigs" the media blythely waves it away.  "They don't really mean that, it's just their long-repressed anger at injustice."

In other words, It's okay for people the media hate to have their lives threatened.  But don't you DARE say bad things about the media, cuz they're better than you.  They're...sophisticated, so they understand things like "nuance."  That's why it's fine for governors to forbid you from going to work, or going to church, cuz "violating social distancing" will cause people to DIE of the Chinese virus, but it's fine for "special people" to gather in crowds of thousands.  Cuz they don't have to follow rules that you have to obey.

Another clue that the Mainstream Media is pro-violence and pro-arson is...you haven't heard a critical word about the new NY and NYC laws that automatically release arsonists, looters and head-bashers the moment they're jailed, without requiring them to post bond or bail.

And I'm not referring to the nationwide policy in Dem cities of opening the jails and releasing everyone, allegedly because of the virus.  No, the NY policy is LAW.  No one in NYC will ever be held in jail pending trial again, unless they fatally shoot a Democrat politician on video.

Isn't that great?

Not a SINGLE member of the Lying Mainstream Media uttered a single critical word about the NY and NYC laws--cuz they support the walk-out-free policy.  Cuz they all agree that requiring bail to get out of jail after being booked for a crime was raaacist.

See, whites always got to walk out of jail without bond, but that gift was only extended to whites, so...

Wait...you say that's not true?  Ya say everyone, regardless of race, can do this?  Ya say drug dealers and gang-bangers routinely get out on bail?  But I thought...

Gee, I'm just not seeing the raaaacism there.

Oh wait...I get it:  Because some people don't have the cash needed to post bail, they have to stay in jail until their trial.  And I will cheerfully admit that's a real irritation.  Guess it's better to let every criminal walk out without having to post bail--so they can get back on the streets and continue committing crimes and shooting or threatening witnesses.  And if you're a leftist, it DOES make sense.

Just like the arson, looting, rioting and murders by the "mostly peaceful protesters."


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