May 08, 2020

Yesterday was a great 3-win day for lovers of freedom and justice!

If you love freedom and justice, yesterday was one of the best days ever.

Of course if you're one of the millions of Americans who gets all your "news" from the Lying Mainstream you probably didn't hear any of what I'm about to mention.

First, thanks to the efforts of a new, non-corrupt attorney for Mike Flynn, and a federal judge fed up with being lied to by the FBI and DOJ, both those agencies were forced to reveal internal notes proving that every bit of the case against Mike Flynn was illegally concocted.  Both agencies explicitly reported there was no basis to charge him, but a corrupt FBI agent--Peter Strzok--aided by James Comey, Andy McCabe, Bill Priestap and others decided they'd concoct charges anyway, as a means of disabling President Trump.

Yesterday the DOJ dropped all charges against General Flynn.

The next piece of great news was that the Texas Supreme Court ordered the release of a salon owner who refused to apologize to a judge for opening her salon to feed her kids and those of her employees.  The judge was ghastly, and his demand was totally over the top.  And the Texas Supreme Court agreed.  Another win for freedom and sanity.

Finally, in impeaching Trump, Democrat congresswhore Adam Schiff's staff interviewed 53 anti-Trump witnesses, generating about 6,000 pages of depositions.  The contents have remained secret, but Schiff claimed he had "direct evidence" that Trump colluded with Russia to swing the 2016 election.

Of course he refused to reveal any such evidence, claiming it was all Really Really Secret.  But he repeatedly vowed he had it, and promised he'd release all his "direct evidence" the moment the intel community completed its review to redact sensitive information.

This process was expected to be completed in just 4 or 5 years.

Oh, wait: yesterday a new acting Director of National Intelligence, Richard Grenell notified Schiff,  that the redaction and declassification process was complete, and that the records were ready for release--something Schiff never expected.

A source familiar with the transcripts says the people interviewed by the House Intelligence Committee during its Russia probe were asked whether they had evidence that Trump himself, or members of his campaign, conspired, colluded or coordinated with Russia during the 2016 election.

The source familiar with the transcripts says not one of the 53 witnesses had any evidence of collusion.

Grenell has now written Schiff, saying "I urge you to honor your previous public statements, and your committee's unanimous vote on this matter, to release all 53 cleared transcripts to Members of Congress and the American public as soon as possible."  And just in case Schiff refuses to comply, Grenell added "I am also willing to release the transcripts ensure we comply with the unanimous and bipartisan vote to release the transcripts."


The prediction is that Schiff will release the transcripts, and will explain the total absense of any "direct evidence" of "collusion" by claiming all such direct evidence was redacted by Grenell--a story the Mainstream Media will echo to the letter.

The Media will carefully not note that all the redactions were completed well before Grenell was appointed.  So does li'l pencil-neck Schiff claim the intel community took out the evidence?  Seems bloody unlikely, eh?  But no matter--the Media will just imply that Grenell hid the evidence.  We'll see.

But in any case, yesterday was a triple-win for the good guys.  Gotta love it.  Drinks all around!


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