May 08, 2020

Latest CDC "guidelines" would delay economic recovery--and who would benefit? Oh...

The Chinese virus has given Democrats new hope of winning the presidency in November. 

Thanks to draconian over-reaction by absurdly-wrong "experts," panicked (or merely dictatorial) state governors issued unconstitutional orders that killed President Trump’s booming economy, with record low unemployment, rising middle-class wages, and a sky-high stock market.

Instead the orders have forced at least 33 million Americans to lose their jobs--without warning, and unnecessarily.

Roughly half of all Americans are scared about their health, and the other half are worried that their state governments have taken away freedoms that will never be recovered. 

Another benefit the shutdown has gifted to the Dems is that the president's confused, inept rival, Joe Biden, has been given an excuse to stay in his home studio, safe from dangerous questions, where he struggles to read teleprompter scripts or offer articulate responses to softball questions from supporters like Al Sharpton. 

Thus the Chinese virus may succeed where the Russia collusion hoax failed to oust Donald Trump.

And now the Centers for Disease Control is looking more and more like the 2020 version of James Comey’s FBI.  Not satisfied with throwing tens of millions of American workers on the unemployment line or forcing tens of millions of American students out of school with its initial “Flatten the Curve” plan immediately followed by its “Slow the Spread” plan, the CDC has now devised yet another scheme to delay economic recovery.

The document was leaked to the press last week and published by the Associated Press on Thursday.  It's a labyrinth of costly, unconstitutional and draconian recommendations that would result in a permanent paranoid police state for the foreseeable future.

Example: “If a cafeteria is or group dining room is typically used, serve meals in classrooms instead.”

Rather than join hands in prayer or extend blessings of peace with fellow congregants, churchgoers would wear masks and stand six feet apart.  In-person church events would continue to be banned.

“Consider whether other gatherings may have to have attendance limited or be held virtually if social distancing is difficult, such as funerals, weddings, religious education classes, youth events, support groups and other programming.”

Bars and restaurants?  “Consider reducing occupancy and limiting the size of parties dining in together . . . all tables and bar stools six feet apart.”

It’s hard to see the proposal as anything but an attempt to keep Americans depressed, isolated, and angry throughout the year, manifesting itself in a rebellion at the ballot box this November against the man every Mainstream Media outlet shrieks is entirely responsible for causing this disaster—President Trump.  And the White House has wisely shelved the plan. 

And this latest CDC paper isn’t the only Democrat-favoring stunt coming from the CDC.  The agency has published a series of voting recommendations that fulfill long-sought goals of the Democratic Party, including vote-by-mail and expanded early voting.

“Encourage drive-up voting for eligible voters if allowed in the jurisdiction,” the guidance reads. “Encourage relocating polling places from nursing homes, long-term care facilities, and senior living residences, to minimize COVID-19 exposure among older individuals and those with chronic medical conditions.” (Trump won voters 65 and older in 2016.)

This, by the way, is the same CDC that ordered all states to report any death in which the deceased had any respiratory symptoms, including cough or shortness of breath, as due to the virus, even if the deceased had never been tested.  This vastly inflated the numbers of deaths reportedly caused by the virus, increasing panic.  If you check deaths attributed to ordinary flu in April you'll find they're only a fraction of the numbers for March, meaning tens of thousands of cases

That should be plenty of reason to be highly suspicious of any pronouncements or policy recommendations made by the CDC.

The Justice Department, CIA, and FBI abused their power to try to ensure the Dems would win the 2016 election, by claiming Donald Trump was "colluding with Russia"  Four years later we're just beginning to discover that this was all fabricated--a plot by Dem operatives in the Obama FBI and DOJ.  The last thing the country needs is a repeated attempt—with far more devastating consequences—by partisan saboteurs at the CDC.

The White House would be well advised to empty out that agency before it’s too late.

Edited from


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