February 22, 2020

Update on Tessa Majors' murder

There are lots of literally crazy people in the world, who kill others for some idiotic reason.  But there are also people who, though not literally insane, murder for some trivial, inexplicable reason, like stealing a victim's cell phone.

Tessa Majors was an 18-year-old freshman at a New York City college.  Last December three black teens--ages 14, 14 and 13--found her in a park and demanded her cell phone.  When she refused to give it to them they stabbed her to death.  Now we're finally learning more about the murder, and it's damn chilling.

The victim:

One of the killers--14 damn years old!:

Okay, as I noted at the top, some people kill because they're literally insane.  No way to keep some small percentage of people from being mis-wired like that.  But it seems to me highly unlikely that someone sane enough to plan a mugging to take a cell phone, some weed and a few bucks is *literally* crazy. 

But if not clinically crazy, what does that leave for motive?

"Social-justice" fanatics may argue that it's wrong to blame the killers--that they're genetically programmed to have "poor anger-management mechanisms" or some similar excuse.  But of course that's exactly what it is:  an excuse.  Uncivilized monsters are dragging this country down to third-world status, and all the "experts" wanna do is make excuses.

I'm a numbers guy, and it seems to me that this sort of outrage--a cold-blooded murder for a trivial reason (a cell phone)--is getting more frequent.  But more worrisome is that I don't see any factors in our society that would reverse this, at least in the next 30 years or so.  Drugs are warping ever more people--especially uneducated ones.  And the lack of morality--and the "excuse industry"--are making this worse by rationalizing it.

About 50 years ago there was a facetious saying that "A conservative is a liberal who's been mugged."  Beats me.


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