February 12, 2020

How many illegals have to live at the same address before someone at the IRS smells a rat?

Believe it or not, the IRS gives checks to illegal aliens, supposedly for "earned income tax credit."

And in 2011 the federal Internal Revenue Service sent 23,994 tax refunds--totalling $46,378,040 to "unauthorized aliens."

Oh wait...that wasn't the total to all "unauthorized aliens."   I accidentally left out a key detail there:  the 23,994 refund checks all went to the same address in Atlanta.

Of course that's so outrageous, so seemingly impossible, that you can't believe it's true.  Well, the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) reported it, so evidently they think it really happened.

But wait...it gets worse:  The 23,994 refunds sent to the same address in Atlanta was just one of 154  cases where a thousand or more refunds were sent to the same address.

In fact in Atlanta ALONE the IRS sent 11,284 refunds to unauthorized aliens at a second identical Atlanta address, 3,608 checks to a third and 2,386 to a fourth.  All in Atlanta.  Total of $6 million bucks.

Does anyone--even a federal bureaucrat--believe 23,000 illegal aliens can possibly live at the same address?

Wait, it gets still worse:  The IRS processed and mailed refunds to thousands of illegals supposedly living at a single address in scores of other cities:
  • Oxnard, Calif, 2,507 refund checks mailed to the same address; worth $10,395,874; 
  • Raleigh, North Carolina, 2,408 refund checks mailed to the same address, worth $7,284,212
  • Phoenix, Arizona: 2,047 refund checks mailed to the same address, worth $5,558,608
  • Palm Beach Gardens, Fla., 1,972 refund checks mailed to the same address, worth $2,256,302;
  • San Jose, Calif., 1,942 refund checks mailed to the same address, worth $5,091,027;
  • Arvin, Calif., 1,846 refund checks mailed to the same address, worth $3,298,877.
  • Dallas, Texas: 15,028 unauthorized aliens presumably using a single address;
  • Atlantic City, NJ: 10,356 unauthorized aliens presumably living at a single address.
Since 1996 the IRS has issued what it calls Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITINs) to aliens living in the United States who are “not authorized to work in the United States.”  The IRS has long known it was giving these numbers to illegal aliens, and thus facilitating their ability to work illegally in the United States.

The inspector general’s 2012 audit report on the IRS’s handling of ITINs was triggered by two IRS employees who went to Congress warning that IRS managers were forcing employees to assign ITINs even when the  IRS knew the applications were fraudulent.

The report on all this by the Inspector General for Treasury taxes was issued in 2012.  Can any of you recall who was president back then?

Wonder what bold, effective corrective action the Obozo administration took to detect and stop this kind of screamingly obvious fraud?   Did Obozo order the arrest and prosecution of the fraudsters?  Deport any?  Seems like if we had people in this country who were paid to investigate stories like this one, and blow the whistle on government incompetence and corruption, things would get better fast.

Gosh, that seems like a good idea, eh?  If only we had people who were paid to investigate government outrages like this one.   Darn shame that we don't seem to.  I have this vague recollection that at one time there was a job description like that, but can't recall for sure.

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