February 12, 2020

Hollywood cancels film about...hunting deplorables, then mysteriously UN-cancels it

Six months ago Hollywood leftists finished a beautiful, touching film.  But then, surprisingly, the studio decided not to release it.  In fact they announced that it was cancelled.

You may remember it.  "The Hunt" tells the story of a group of well-educated, sophisticated, global-thinking, climate-saving Democrats Americans--some critics called them "elites"--who occasionally took time off from their climate-saving jobs to go out to the country to hunt dumb, uneducated (or at best having a degree from a state university--ugggh!), unsophisticated raaaacists.

The original "trailer" for the movie depicted it as "a darkly humorous smackdown between liberals and deplorables," but surprisingly, a couple of overly-cautious studio execs seem to have been worried that some details might upset children or something.

I know, hard to see how any rational person could object to such a humorous, logical plot, eh?

Anyway, after spending $40 mill or so to make the movie, the studio has decided they didn't really cancel it after all.  Instead they simply cut a new trailer that "plays up the layers of ambiguity in the narrative, suggesting that not everything is as it seems."

Ah, of course:  Obviously a movie about sophisticated globalists hunting unsophisticated, raaaacist "deplorables" had to be chock-full of "ambiguity."  Cuz no one would evah imagine peaceful, educated, sophisticated, NYTimes-reading swells trying to kill ordinary Americans.

Perish the thought!

I'm sure this will be another box office smash for the sophisticates in Hollywood, eh?  Get your tickets early before they sell out!

And on a totally unrelated note, I see the TV audience for last Sunday's Oscars was down a bit from last year.  Well, if you define "a bit" as ... wait for it... TWENTY PERCENT.

The Mainstream Media immediately swung into action, assuring readers that the 20% drop was just because the Oscars were held two weeks earlier this year, and that in fact more Americans are going to the movies than ever before!  Cuz Hollywood just keeps putting out great movies.

Like "The Hunt."


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