February 13, 2020

School association that decreed that men could compete as women...is sued

A year or so ago, the crazy liberal pencil-necks who run the Connecticut  Association of Schools decreed (funny how often that happens with libs, eh?) that males claiming to be girls could compete against real girls in high school sports.

To the surprise of no one, real female athletes complained that this was unfair: the biological guys had more muscle mass.

As you already guessed, the liberal crazies at the Association of Schools totally ignored this complaint, cuz the Democrat party had decreed that there were no differences between the sexes, so it was just fine for boys to compete as girls.  In fact, hadn't the god-emperor Barack Hussein Obama ordered his Department of Propaganda Education to send a letter to every school system decreeing that they were to treat trannies as if they were whichever sex they claimed to be?  Sure.

And being sophisticated liberal Democrats they quickly accepted these decrees as absolute truth, and told the complaining real girls and their parents to f*** off.  But nicely, of course.  Because liberals pride themselves on being the nice ones.

Well much to the surprise of the pencil-neck crazies who run the Association of Schools, the real female athletes and their parents did NOT just shut up and go away, as the rules of behavior to your liberal betters demanded, but instead have just sued the Association, claiming "sex discrimination."

For those unfamiliar with U.S. civil rights law, Title 9 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, which sets the stage for a faaabulously entertaining court fight.  For the liberals to win, they must persuade a jury that men can be women, simply by claiming to be such.

My guess is that a randomly selected jury of "normal people" will regard this claim with a great deal of skepticism.

And of course libs and the tranny mafia know this, so my guess is that this case will never go to trial.  Reason is that court cases establish precedent--and the tranny mafia doesn't want an adverse verdict.  Instead they'll settle, to avoid that, and will continue to take their victories via demands forced on us by crazy liberal judges, who seem to have concluded that men really are women if they claim to be.

But wait!  Turns out the ACLU plans to intervene in the lawsuit!  Their crack team of civil-liberties attorneys will champion the rights of these girls whose rights have been absolutely violated by the libs in the school association.  Yay!

Wait, I mis-read that.  The ACLU says they're not intervening to help the real girls.  Oh no, citizen.  Instead the ACLU is supporting the guys-claiming-to-be-girls, writing on Twitter “We at the ACLU will be seeking to intervene in this lawsuit, to give trans students a voice.”

Is anyone surprised?

Source here.  For those interested, the case is Soule v. Connecticut Association of Schools


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