January 15, 2020

Another media lie destroyed: "the Iranian missile strike deliberately didn't target U.S. troops"

As every American should know by now, Iran fired 16 ballistic missiles at Iraqi bases where U.S. troops were stationed.  Astonishingly, not a single American or Iraqi was injured. 

So within an hour of the missile attack, defenders of Iran in the U.S. media started a narrative that the Iranians had deliberately hit empty warehouses, so there would be no U.S. casualties.

Turns out the Iranian missiles struck a barracks housing 39 American troops, totally destroying it.

In the video below an American reporter gets a tour of the destroyed barracks, and the damage is total.  The only reason Americans weren't killed is that they'd evacuated all barracks and were in hardened shelters before the missiles hit.

The only reason no Americans were killed is that we picked up radio traffic from Iran alerting us that some type of missile launch was likely.

So...another media lie--that the mullahs deliberately tried not to kill U.S. troops when they launched their missiles--is shown to be utter bullshit.

And yet they wonder why no one with an IQ over 50 believes a single word they broadcast or print.


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