August 24, 2019

Water vapor versus CO2 as cause of global warming

Water vapor is a far greater contributor to the "greenhouse effect" than CO2.  Compared to water vapor, CO2 has an almost negligible effect on global warming climate change. 

But liberals can’t figure out how to tax water vapor.  Cuz, like, water vapor comes from da ocean, and they haven't found anyone willing pony up bucks for the ocean.  So they attack things that emit CO2...cuz they know they can find "defendants" with deep pockets that they can extort cash from.

Interesting:  Liberals are perfectly fine with socialist Bernie Sanders having 3 homes.  Or anti-carbon Al Gore having a 10,000-square-foot home.

Or the sainted Barack Hussein Obama buying a $14 MILLION mansion on Martha's Vinyard.

Or liberal politicians flying private jets.

Or liberal Hollywood idiots flying private jets across the ocean a dozen times a year to go to prestigious award fests in Cannes and other places.

Those things are all fine with liberals.  Cuz, they're perfectly happy with SOME people getting to emit massive amounts of CO2, while "little people"--that's you and me--fly coach and set our thermostats to uncomfortable numbers.  Cuz, fairness, comrade.


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