August 24, 2019

Leftist "comedian" gloats in hate-filled rant over death of David Koch

Wanna see where the Left is coming from?

Actually you don't, cuz it'll horrify you.

Here's the ghastly Leftist Bill Maher--a man HBO loves so much that he has his own TV show--on the death of David Koch:

Here's the whole transcript.  But you really need to watch the vid to see Maher's expressions.  He really hates the Kochs--and anyone who makes money in the oil or coal business:
"And now some funeral news to report:  Yesterday David Koch, of the zillionaire Koch brothers, died...of prostate cancer.  [audience laughs and applauds]

"I guess I'm going to have to re-evaluate my low opinion of prostate cancer. [audience laughs and applauds]

"He was 79, and the family said they wished it could have been longer, but at least he lived long enough to see the Amazon catch fire. [audience laughs and applauds] 
"Condolences poured in from all the politicians he owned. [audience laughs and applauds]

...and mourners are asked in lieu of flowers to just leave their car engine running.  [audience laughs and applauds]

As for his remains, he has asked to be cremated and to have his ashes blown into a child's lungs.  [audience laughs and applauds] [watch Maher's smirk at the audience's reaction to that line]

Now I know these seem like harsh jokes and I'm sure I'll be condemned for them...on Fox News, which will portray Koch as a principled libertarian who believed in the free market.  He and his brother have done more than anybody for decades to fund climate science deniers so fuck him.  [audience laughs and applauds]

The Amazon IS burning up, I'm glad he's dead and I hope the end was painful.  [audience laughs and applauds wildly]
Maher is too uninformed to know that poor Brazilian farmers burn their fields in the Amazon burn their fields every damn year to use the ash to fertilize their new crop.  This is a widespread practice in EVERY nation--including the U.S.  It also kills most weeds.

In the Amazon some poor farmers also cut down and burn trees to get more cultivated acreage.

What Maher won't tell you--because he doesn't know--is that there are fewer acres on fire this season.  Also unknown to Maher is that satellite imagery show that the total forested acrea on the planet is NOT dropping, but in fact has increased over the past 20 years.  How...unexpected.

BTW, David Koch donated over a Billion dollars to charity, much of it to cancer research.   No indication that he gave any millions to "climate science deniers," as Maher claimed.

Whoa...Maher lied?  Who could have possibly guessed, eh?


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