Antarctic ice cores prove CO2 can't possibly be causing global warming. Media: "What ice cores?"
By now you've heard or read many times that "98% of scientists agree that global warming is caused by CO2." In addition the warmies to on to claim that the single biggest contributor to CO2 is...humans, burning carbon fuels. And the cure they propose is the Green New Deal.
Part of the evidence that allegedly supports the notion that global warming is caused by CO2 comes from ice cores, drilled in Antarctica. Turns out the ice--which in some places is 18,000 feet thick--holds tiny bubbles of air, which can be analyzed to find the percentage of CO2.
Further, the age of any ice core can be found by its depth--actually by counting thin layers of dust that blow onto the snow every year. Finally, the dust contains skeletons of microscopic sea critters called diatoms, which still exist today. By looking at their structure you can get the temperature of the ocean they lived in. So ice cores are thought to be the most accurate tool for testing the theory.
About 20 years go Russian and French workers began drilling ice cores under Lake Vostok. The reached down 11,000 feet or so, getting 420,000 years of data. Sure enough, the data showed that temperature was very closely correlated to CO2. And indeed, the first papers published claimed temperature changes followed CO2 changes--which is what would have to be true for CO2 to cause global warming.
One little problem: The first researchers didn't count the individual dust layers (years), but simply estimated so many years per foot. Later researchers were more meticulous, and the result is shown below: The green line is CO2, the blue line is temperature. The correlation is apparent.
Unfortunately the scale is so small that it's hard to see which curve leads which. But if you look at the data, the peaks and troughs of the green plot (CO2) actually LAG temperature changes, not lead them, by about 800 years!
You don't need a PhD to know that if changes in CO2 LAG changes in temperature, CO2 can't possibly be causing temp changes, eh?

Wait, there's more! Later the same group drilled a core down to 18,000 feet, or 800,000 years. Again, the first workers estimated the years, and the first papers on the results said "This proves beyond doubt that CO2 causes global warming." But as with the above data, they got it wrong: CO2 actually lagged temperature, by about 800 years. In other words, the deeper core got exactly the same results as the one above, from a different location. That's significant.
Note that the correlation between the two plots is obvious. But that per this data, CO2 cannot possibly be causing global warming. There is no way to rationaize that conclusion.
Next time some warmist screams that you need to stop driving and flying, ask them if they're familiar with the results found by the Vostok ice cores. They'll never have heard of 'em.
If you really want to see some fun, ask a PhD at your university to explain the Vostok ice core results to ya. Ask 'em if they knew that CO2 changes lagged temperature changes.
Part of the evidence that allegedly supports the notion that global warming is caused by CO2 comes from ice cores, drilled in Antarctica. Turns out the ice--which in some places is 18,000 feet thick--holds tiny bubbles of air, which can be analyzed to find the percentage of CO2.
Further, the age of any ice core can be found by its depth--actually by counting thin layers of dust that blow onto the snow every year. Finally, the dust contains skeletons of microscopic sea critters called diatoms, which still exist today. By looking at their structure you can get the temperature of the ocean they lived in. So ice cores are thought to be the most accurate tool for testing the theory.
About 20 years go Russian and French workers began drilling ice cores under Lake Vostok. The reached down 11,000 feet or so, getting 420,000 years of data. Sure enough, the data showed that temperature was very closely correlated to CO2. And indeed, the first papers published claimed temperature changes followed CO2 changes--which is what would have to be true for CO2 to cause global warming.
One little problem: The first researchers didn't count the individual dust layers (years), but simply estimated so many years per foot. Later researchers were more meticulous, and the result is shown below: The green line is CO2, the blue line is temperature. The correlation is apparent.
Unfortunately the scale is so small that it's hard to see which curve leads which. But if you look at the data, the peaks and troughs of the green plot (CO2) actually LAG temperature changes, not lead them, by about 800 years!
You don't need a PhD to know that if changes in CO2 LAG changes in temperature, CO2 can't possibly be causing temp changes, eh?

Wait, there's more! Later the same group drilled a core down to 18,000 feet, or 800,000 years. Again, the first workers estimated the years, and the first papers on the results said "This proves beyond doubt that CO2 causes global warming." But as with the above data, they got it wrong: CO2 actually lagged temperature, by about 800 years. In other words, the deeper core got exactly the same results as the one above, from a different location. That's significant.
Note that the correlation between the two plots is obvious. But that per this data, CO2 cannot possibly be causing global warming. There is no way to rationaize that conclusion.
Next time some warmist screams that you need to stop driving and flying, ask them if they're familiar with the results found by the Vostok ice cores. They'll never have heard of 'em.
If you really want to see some fun, ask a PhD at your university to explain the Vostok ice core results to ya. Ask 'em if they knew that CO2 changes lagged temperature changes.
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