Young American girl goes to Saudi, marries, loses custody of her child because judge says...
A 24-year-old American woman from Washington state, Bethany Vierra, moved to Saudi Arabia to teach at a university. At some point she married a Saudi man--Muslim--and had a child.
Recently the couple divorced, and Bethany sought custody of their now 4-year-old daughter.
Last month--"unexpectedly"--a Saudi judge awarded custody of the daughter to Bethany's mother-in-law. The judge ruled that the mother was too Westernized to raise the child according to Saudi standards.
The judge's written opinion said Bethany "continues to definitively embrace the customs and traditions of her upbringing. We must avoid exposing [her daughter] to these customs and traditions."
The ex-husband's attorney pushed for the ruling, accused his ex-wife of maintaining social media channels "full of...intermingling of the two sexes and a lot of things and actions contrary to our religion and customs and traditions."

Well there ya go, citizen. Is anyone surprised by this? Of course western feminists were outraged, and large numbers gathered to protest outside the Saudi embassy in both New York and London.
Hahahahahaha! Just kidding--no western feminist group said a single critical word about it. It's almost like they expected that outcome, and were okay with it. Maybe someone should ask 'em, eh?
And did any of you readers actually believe, even for a single second, that U.S. feminists would protest anti-female, anti-mother rulings by nutso Muslim judges in Saudi Arabia? Of course you didn't, because it never happens. Western feminists never utter a word when Muslims run over the rights of one of their ostensible sisters. Nevah.
Anyone else find that sort of double-standard a bit...hypocritical? Offensive? Just plain dumb?
Imagine how feminist groups would have howled with outrage if this same thing had happened here! But when an Islamic court does the same thing...crickets.
Of course many Americans will doubt that the story just described actually happened. After all, it's from a totally fake "news" source--CNN.
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