August 20, 2019

Three Chicago teachers vacation in Venezuela, come home praising...socialism??

Three Chicago teachers and a union organizer set up a GoFundMe account to take a trip to Venezuela. The teachers, all members of the Chicago Teachers Union, wrote public blogs and social media posts praising the socialist government of that country.  Not a word about people starving, a shortage of even basic medicine, two eggs costing a week's salary or any such disasters.

Again, the three Chitcongo teachers (and the "union organizer") said they were absolutely charmed by everything they saw.  Some of their observations:

"Wow! The media say LA is teeming with rats.  We didn't see a single rat anywhere in Venezuela!"
      Venezuelans have eaten them--all--to survive.

"The zoo was so clean.  We saw very few animals in captivity, unlike American zoos where hundreds of animals are cruelly caged for the benefit of the oppressive cisheteropatriarchy."
     Venezuelans killed the last meaty zoo animal for food two years ago.

"And the streets are so clean!  Not a food wrapper anywhere!"
     Every food wrapper was licked clean, then burned for warmth.

"The capital city, Caracas, is amazingly peaceful and quiet--no car horns, and no exhaust pollution!  The Venezuelan people obviously care about Global Warming climate change."
     No civilian can afford gasoline.  Without gas, nothing moves, there is no exhaust, etc.

"Unlike America's big cities, where gun shots are always heard, it was surprisingly peaceful & quiet."
     The socialist government took away private guns years ago.

H/T Hoofer at Weasel Zippers


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