August 20, 2019

California legislature--ruled by Democrats--on the verge of ruling students must take an "ethnic studies" course

California’s Democrat-ruled legislature is about to order that all highschool students must take an "ethnic studies" course to graduate.

If that strikes you as innocuous, you're naive.  In California, K-12 public school student enrollment is only 23 percent white.  And since the school system is run by Leftists, communists and other assorted Democrats, this means the "ethnic studies" course will be nothing but another semester-long anti-American, anti-capitalist, anti-white, anti-free-market indoctrination course.

Skeptical?  Take a look at the “Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum.”  A good place to start is the glossary, which defines the new, "woke" vocabulary that California’s public-school students are expected to unquestioningly accept.  Some examples:
Accompliceship—the process of building relationships grounded in trust and accountability with marginalized people and groups. Being an accomplice involves attacking colonial structures and ideas by using one’s privilege and giving up power and position in solidarity with those on the social, political, religious, and economic margins of society. This is in contrast to the contested notion of allyship which is often performative, superficial, and disconnected from the anticolonial struggle.
Androcentric—the privileging and emphasis of male or masculine interests, narratives, traits, or point of view, often in spaces where power is wielded.
Can any of you think of a single example of a "space" where masculine interests are
Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS)—is a global social movement that currently aims to establish freedom for Palestinians living under apartheid conditions . . .
Capitalism—an economic and political system in which industry and trade are based on a “free market” and largely controlled by private companies instead of the government. Within Ethnic Studies, scholars are often very critical of the system of capitalism as research has shown that Native people and people of color are disproportionately exploited within the system.

Cisheteropatriarchy—a system of power that is based on the dominance of cisheterosexual men.
Implication:  Society would be better off if run by lesbians, or trannies.  Wonder if such a society would devote any resources to military defense?  Ah, why worry about that, citizen?  Cuz all societies are equal, which means no foreign nation would ever want to...whatever.
Classism—is the systematic oppression of subordinated class groups to advantage and strengthen the dominant class groups.
Critical race theory (CRT)—while manifesting differently, CRT is often engaged to offer a critical analysis of race and racism within a particular discipline, field, system of power, culture, etc. CRT draws on a collection of critical frameworks to better understand how race and racism are interwoven into the fabric of American society.
Cultural appropriation—the adoption of elements of a culture (i.e. clothing, jewelry, language/slang, iconography, textiles, sacred traditions, etc.) other than your own (often historically marginalized groups), without knowledge or respect for the original culture.
Gender—western culture has come to view gender as a binary concept, with two rigidly fixed options—men and women. Instead of the static binary model produced through a solely physical understanding of gender, a far richer tapestry of biology, gender expression, and gender identity intersect resulting in a multidimensional array of possibilities. Thus, gender can also be recognized as a spectrum that is inclusive of various gender identities.
Herstory—a term that describes history written from a feminist or women’s perspective. Herstory is also deployed when referring to counter narratives within history. The prefix “her” instead of “his” is used to disrupt the often androcentric nature of history.
"Disrupt," used in a positive sense, is classic communist syntax.
Hxrstory—pronounced the same as “herstory,” hxrstory is used to describe history written from a more gender inclusive perspective. The “x” is used to disrupt the often rigid gender binarist approach to telling history.
Heaven forbid anyone teaching history should categorize the players as male or female!  How archaic! 
The Four “I”s of Oppression—the four “I”s of oppression are: ideological oppression (an idea, concept, or theory whose qualities advocate for or can be interpreted as causing harm or upholding the views of a dominant group at the expense of others), institutional oppression (the belief that one group is superior than another and that the more dominant group should determine when and how those on the margins are incorporated into institutions within a society), interpersonal oppression (how oppression is played out between individuals), and internalized oppression (the internalization of the belief that one group is superior to another).
Racea social construct created by European and American pseudo-scientists which sorts people by phenotype into global, social, and political hierarchies.
Race is a "social construct," eh?  Oh, you bet.  Communists want your kids to believe that the entire notion of "race" didn't exist until it was "created by European and American pseudo-scientists."  And notice the sly, unsupported "pseudo-".  A favorite communist tactic is to get naive students to accept a twisted definition as true, without taking the time to question it.  If that works, it's easy from there.  Convince a kid that 2+2= whatever the Party needs it to be today, and they'll believe anything.

Now:  You probably don't live in California, so you don't think the above report has any effect on you.  What you don't realize is that this is the kind of indoctrination being pushed by the "intellectual leaders" of the Democrat party.  They run the school boards, decree what students must take to graduate, approve the textbooks, have full control of hiring and firing.  If you think this bullshit "requirement" will be confined to California you're too naive to breathe.


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