August 24, 2019

Joe Biden claims...uh...wait...revises history to make American look worse

Ever hear the term "revisionist history"?  It refers to people who simply lie about what really happened, to push their own agenda.

For example, liberals will claim 1,245 blacks are shot every year by raaaacist, white-supremist cops.  It's bullshit, but the speaker knows that no one will bother to check the figure.

Think I'm kidding?  Do you doubt this really happens?  Try this:  Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden says...well, take a look:

As the graphic showed, 4 people were killed at Kent State, and 9 others injured.  Obviously that's terrible.  That's not the point here.  It's that Joe either didn't know the truth, or else revised history.  Or maybe his team of campaign advisors gave him the bullshit figure.

But not a single person in his audience (of all Democrats) challenged him on the claim.

But no matter, cuz of course your wonderful, unbiased, totally objective Mainstream Media immediately caught the lie (or evidence of senility or stupidity), and reported it.

Oh wait...they didn't breathe a word to ya.  But that's because they're, like, totally unbiased.

You can definitely trust 'em.  Cuz...Mainstream Media, eh?

Thanks to the folks at for their cool free video-clip software.


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