August 09, 2019

A tale of tearful sanctuary sought by a "temporarily undocumented" person

Repeat after me:
    "We need open borders." 
    "There is no such thing as an illegal human." 
    "It's absolutely horrible to deport people just for being in the U.S. without proper documentation.
    " It's AWFUL to deport such people because it separates them from their families."

For example, consider the case of Miguel Ramirez Valiente, a citizen of El Salvador.  He sneaked into the U.S. 14 years ago, in 2005.  In 2011 he was arrested for reckless endangerment.  The DA dismissed the charge.  He would have been deported, but a sympathetic immigration judge allowed him to apply for a visa as a "victim of a crime."

In 2016 he was arrested for domestic violence.  Again the DA dismissed the charge.  In 2018 he pleaded guilty to DUI and had his license revoked.  Apparently that guilty plea resulted in probation, no jail time.  The plea deal required him to complete "alcohol therapy" and some community service.

In December of last year an immigration judge ordered him deported.  But Valiente--realizing that illegals could do as they wished with little risk of actually being, you know, deported--scurried to All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church in Colorado Springs, where he claimed "sanctuary" from da eeebil gub'ment trying to enforce some dumb ol' laws.

In January he held a press conference in the church, crying that he didn't want to be separated from his family.  The event was reported on CNN and other national media.  But since ICE doesn't have the manpower to station agents outside every church where illegals are hiding, Valiente was able to leave the church often. 

A week ago (Aug. 1) Colorado extended his probation for the  DUI plea because he had not completed either alcohol therapy or the community service.  It's almost as if he believe U.S. laws were meaningless or something.

The very next day Valiente--driving without a license, and without insurance--swerved across the centerline into the path of a vehicle driven by Sean Buchanan, a father of five. 

Buchanan was killed.  

Interestingly, many national media outlets carried Valiente's tearful press conference where he pleaded not to be separated from his family...but not a single national media outlet (and very few local ones) reported on the illegal killing the father of five--who is now permanently separated from his wife and five children..

And to add to the misery, since the illegal (predictably) was driving without insurance (if you flout our laws, why in the world would you bother obeying the law by buying auto insurance?) the family of the dead man will not even be able to sue for damages from the crash.

But we need open borders.  Really.  So vote Democrat.


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