August 08, 2019

"White male" offers to lift leftist feminist's bag out of the overhead. "Resistance" ensues.

Normally I don't pay any attention to charmless, stupid people doing stupid things, since there are way too many instances of that.  But sometimes an act by an utterly charmless feminist--proudly
Twatted by said charmless creature--so perfectly captures one of the many things that are ailing the U.S. that it's worth noting.  Educational, as it were.

The charmless leftist in question describes itself as an "Internationally touring writer, poet, performer, educator. Work in Marie Claire, Cosmopolitan, Narratively, BuzzFeed."  Ah yes, we know exactly where you're coming from, thanks.

This charmless creature wanted to brag about an "act of resistance" she proudly accomplished.  So did she deck some thug who was mugging a grandmother?  Take out a Muslim car bomber?  Blow the whistle on the Clinton Foundation?

Oh no, citizen...she was far, far more brave than that!

Seems she was flying commercial recently, and when the plane arrived a "middle-aged white man" offered to lift her suitcase out of the overhead bin--and had the audacity to begin to do just that!

Can anyone possibly guess how the leftist responded?

That's right, citizen:  She said "No thank you, I got it"!  And then went on to brag that this was a "calculated act of resistance" on her part.

The mind boggles at such bravery!  "Calculated resistance" indeed!  Why, if Obozo were still preezy he'd surely award this brave gal a presidential medal of freedom, if not the Medal of Honor!

I mean, can you imagine the courage it took to display this act of "resistance"--defiance, really--to a member of the patriarcy--a member of the eeeevil oppressor class?

This brave creature stood up to the Oppressor and...declined his offer to help her.  That's showin' 'em, creature!

What's notable here is not that she was perfectly able to pull her own case out of the overhead, but that she thought this was such a faaaabulous act of  "resistance" that she bragged about it on her Twatter account.  It's that she found declining an offer to help from an eeeevil "white man" worth bragging about.

If I were female I'd call this creature out in no uncertain terms.  Reason is that friendly, reasonable, incredibly capable men see posts like this and think "IF this is how the average woman reacts, why offer to help a woman with a heavy bag"--or a dead car, or a bike that's slipped its chain, or a thousand other things?

Leftist feminists (but I repeat myself) may deride this conclusion as fragile male ego, but it's pragmatism.  Multiply this by the number of leftist feminists and eventually men will stop offering to help women.  And even if they don't need it, was she harmed by the offer?

Here's the charmless critter herself:


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