July 04, 2019

AOC in her own words. Read 'em and you'll be, like, totally enlightened

"Hi!  I'm Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and I'd like to chat with you about how the eeevil Trump administration is operating concentration camps on our southern border, torturing innocent children and, like, forcing innocent people who are simply seeking asylum to drink from toilets!
And you have to believe me because, like, I ACTUALLY WENT TO ONE OF THESE CAMPS!  Where I felt threatened by Border Patrol agents!  If I hadn't been with, like, a dozen other Democrat members of congress I'm absolutely sure Trump's gestapo would have killed me!
"And of course enlightened people know that the only reason these poor, innocent migrants are coming here is, like, they've been FORCED TO, by climate change!  Which has made their home countries, like, totally uninhabitable!"  In fact some of those countries are now under water due to rising sea levels!"
"I've shown climate deniers how to fix this--adopt my Green New Deal that bans all fossil fuels!  If Americans would do this, it would save the world!  And I'm doing my part.  Well, I will, as soon as it passes.  Right now I'm still flying across the country, but that's because I'm, like, totally important, and doing vital work.  But as soon as my GND becomes law I'll switch to a bicycle.  Really.
"Of course YOU don't have to wait for my excellent Green New Deal to become law to do your part to save the Earth, citizen:  You can, like, give up your car, and flying, and food transported by trucks TODAY!  Oh, and hot water, and low-cost electricity.  Because nothing is more important than saving the planet, right?
"Oh, and obviously we need to, like, totally raise tax rates on the rich.  There's no reason why anyone should make more than $400,000 per year, so we need a 100% tax on all income above that level.  Okay, maybe we'd make exceptions for the best people, like the wonderful Obamas.  Or Nancy Pelosi--but only if she stops being such a bitch about my ideas!"
"So what have we learned today?  That Trump is eeevil, that we need to ban fossil fuels and seize tax all income over $400,000 at 100% if we want to save Mother Earth.  And remember, we only have 12 years to get all this done or all life on Earth is DOOMED! because of global warming.  Or climate change.  Whatever."


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