All Dem presidential candidates endorse "Medicare for all." Which uses tax dollars to pay for...
As you should know (but probably don't), every single Democrat candidate for president supports what they cunningly call "Medicare for all." But what does that phrase actually mean?
It means the government would run ALL health care in the U.S. No private insurance. No appeal from government health "decrees."
Why don't they say that? Cuz they know all voters view "Medicare" as a friendly, warm, fuzzy program that isn't threatening in the least. And because voters are comfortable with Medicare, "Medicare for all" is equally non-threatening, right?
Except current medicare still allows private insurance, and at least the possibility of private-sector efficiencies. Docs can opt not to accept the mind-boggling rules of accepting Medicare patients. Not many do opt out, but the point is that the option is available.
But under "Medicare for all" there wouldn't BE a private sector. Gone.
Of course this is just fine with Dems/liberals/"progressives" and communists.
Okay, now Democrat presidential candidate Bill deBlasio has tweeted that he'll push for "Medicare for all" to pay for..."gender reassignment surgery."
For the newbies, that means "sex-change operations."
Now, you may think this is far-fetched--that no one could possibly be SO nuts as to demand that taxpayers pay for sex-change operations, eh?
Ah. Guess you didn't know that Obama directed the federal government's "Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services" (CMS) to use your tax dollars to pay for sex-change operations for 70-year-olds. Seriously.
As the Medicare website cryptically puts it,
From there it was a tiny step for the trans mafia at CMS to decree that your tax dollars also be used to pay for sex-change operations not just for retirees but also for people who weren't eligible for Medicare but who were "poor"--thus eligible for Medicaid.
Let me repeat that: By order of Obama, since 2014 the gruberment has been using your tax dollars to pay for sex-change operations both for people over 65 AND for anyone who's poor.
Is that cool or what? Is that a great use of your tax dollars? Oh, you bet, citizen.
So deBlasio's push to extend this to cover sex-change operations for EVERY person in this country, regardless of age or income, is totally consistent with the Democrat party's positions under Obozo.
Oh wait...I hear my liberal PhD friend saying "You dummy, the website you linked to way up this post is NOT "medicare dot gov" but "medicare dot COM"! You think you're so smart but you got fooled by a site designed to inflame you and your stupid deplorable friends!"
Ooooh, ya got me. The link above does go to the medicare-dot-com site--because a search at "medicare dot gov" for "Does Medicare cover sex-reassignment surgery?" gives "No results found." Same if you search for "sex-change" and even the current, non-alarming term "gender-affirming surgery." (The trans mafia in the CMS bureaucracy wanted to "affirm" one's true "gender," and thus avoided the term "sex-change.")
Ah, guess that means they don't cover sex-change surgery, eh?
That's what they want you to think. But they do cover it. I leave it to you to figure out why the official website doesn't return any hits for that question. (Hint: It ain't hard.)
So if you're skeptical that Medicare and Medicaid have been using your taxes to pay for sex-change surgery, and you wanna see the actual medicare-dot-gov take on this, here ya go: It's a paper titled "Gender Reassignment Surgery Model NCD," written by a staffer working for the "Transgender Medicine Model NCD Working Group," but published as the official position of the CMS. ("NCD" means "National Coverage Determination"--i.e. what Medicare and Medicaid will use tax dollars to pay for.)
Here's their own explanation of how the legal "ban" on using tax dollars for sex-change operations "was lifted:"
Anyway, if you wanna see the trans mafia at work, read the whole 5 pages at the link above. It's a classic example of "bureau-babble," "gobble-speak," designed to be impenetrable except to insiders. Cuz after all, the author was writing entirely for insiders, and wanted regular voters to be so baffled that they simply stopped reading.
Suppose someone said "I've always wanted to be six inches taller. Not being six inches taller has crushed my self-esteem. I have "height dysphoria." And I demand that you pay for an operation to make me taller." They'd be ridiculed. But the trans mafia is so powerful that they've succeeded in getting Obama to order that taxpayers pay for their sex-change operations.
Is this a great country or what?
It means the government would run ALL health care in the U.S. No private insurance. No appeal from government health "decrees."
Why don't they say that? Cuz they know all voters view "Medicare" as a friendly, warm, fuzzy program that isn't threatening in the least. And because voters are comfortable with Medicare, "Medicare for all" is equally non-threatening, right?
Except current medicare still allows private insurance, and at least the possibility of private-sector efficiencies. Docs can opt not to accept the mind-boggling rules of accepting Medicare patients. Not many do opt out, but the point is that the option is available.
But under "Medicare for all" there wouldn't BE a private sector. Gone.
Of course this is just fine with Dems/liberals/"progressives" and communists.
Okay, now Democrat presidential candidate Bill deBlasio has tweeted that he'll push for "Medicare for all" to pay for..."gender reassignment surgery."
De Blasio Says Medicare For All Should Cover Gender Reassignment Surgery— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) July 1, 2019
For the newbies, that means "sex-change operations."
Now, you may think this is far-fetched--that no one could possibly be SO nuts as to demand that taxpayers pay for sex-change operations, eh?
Ah. Guess you didn't know that Obama directed the federal government's "Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services" (CMS) to use your tax dollars to pay for sex-change operations for 70-year-olds. Seriously.
As the Medicare website cryptically puts it,
"gender reassignment surgeries were banned by Medicare in 1981. [Oh yeah? But...] As of May 2014, the exclusion [wait, a second ago it was a "ban"] on Medicare coverage of gender reassignment surgery was lifted."...was lifted"? Note the passive voice--which is used exclusively to hide who ordered something. So, after this use of tax dollars was supposedly banned, how did that ban get revoked? It "was lifted" by an order from a nameless CMS bureaucrat. And if you think he or she did this without Obama telling 'em to, you're naive.
From there it was a tiny step for the trans mafia at CMS to decree that your tax dollars also be used to pay for sex-change operations not just for retirees but also for people who weren't eligible for Medicare but who were "poor"--thus eligible for Medicaid.
Let me repeat that: By order of Obama, since 2014 the gruberment has been using your tax dollars to pay for sex-change operations both for people over 65 AND for anyone who's poor.
Is that cool or what? Is that a great use of your tax dollars? Oh, you bet, citizen.
So deBlasio's push to extend this to cover sex-change operations for EVERY person in this country, regardless of age or income, is totally consistent with the Democrat party's positions under Obozo.
Oh wait...I hear my liberal PhD friend saying "You dummy, the website you linked to way up this post is NOT "medicare dot gov" but "medicare dot COM"! You think you're so smart but you got fooled by a site designed to inflame you and your stupid deplorable friends!"
Ooooh, ya got me. The link above does go to the medicare-dot-com site--because a search at "medicare dot gov" for "Does Medicare cover sex-reassignment surgery?" gives "No results found." Same if you search for "sex-change" and even the current, non-alarming term "gender-affirming surgery." (The trans mafia in the CMS bureaucracy wanted to "affirm" one's true "gender," and thus avoided the term "sex-change.")
Ah, guess that means they don't cover sex-change surgery, eh?
That's what they want you to think. But they do cover it. I leave it to you to figure out why the official website doesn't return any hits for that question. (Hint: It ain't hard.)
So if you're skeptical that Medicare and Medicaid have been using your taxes to pay for sex-change surgery, and you wanna see the actual medicare-dot-gov take on this, here ya go: It's a paper titled "Gender Reassignment Surgery Model NCD," written by a staffer working for the "Transgender Medicine Model NCD Working Group," but published as the official position of the CMS. ("NCD" means "National Coverage Determination"--i.e. what Medicare and Medicaid will use tax dollars to pay for.)
Here's their own explanation of how the legal "ban" on using tax dollars for sex-change operations "was lifted:"
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Departmental Appeals Board considered categories of evidence as outlined in the Medicare Integrity Program Manual § 13.7.1 when it determined that the previously extant prohibition on “transsexual surgery” in NCD 140.3 was unreasonable."The previously extant prohibition on “transsexual surgery,” eh? Yeah, that's a LOT more soothing than the old, un-woke term "banned." Cuz undoing a ban might require something more elaborate than a single sentence, eh?
Anyway, if you wanna see the trans mafia at work, read the whole 5 pages at the link above. It's a classic example of "bureau-babble," "gobble-speak," designed to be impenetrable except to insiders. Cuz after all, the author was writing entirely for insiders, and wanted regular voters to be so baffled that they simply stopped reading.
Suppose someone said "I've always wanted to be six inches taller. Not being six inches taller has crushed my self-esteem. I have "height dysphoria." And I demand that you pay for an operation to make me taller." They'd be ridiculed. But the trans mafia is so powerful that they've succeeded in getting Obama to order that taxpayers pay for their sex-change operations.
Is this a great country or what?
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