Portland: ACLU defends masked thugs beating conservative, opposes any law that would ban masks
If you don't follow political events closely you may have missed the numerous videos of masked "Antifa" thugs severely beating a journalist, Andy Ngo, and numerous others, in Portland, Oregon. Mask-wearing Antifa thugs routinely beat people who support the president, and the mayor of Portland has told his cops to take no action to prevent it.
It's critical to note that a key enabling factor in the ability of Antifa thugs to beat people is the ability to hide their identity behind masks. About 15 states have laws against wearing masks. Oregon doesn't, and leftists cunningly argue that any such law would violate their First Amendment rights--by depriving them of anonymity.
Didja get that? The implicit claim here is that people "can't express their views"--free speech, comrade--unless they're wearing a mask. Bullshit, but that's the left's position. Are you surprised?
A spokeswoman for the left-wing American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon said she doubted that a law banning masks could be enforced in a constitutional manner.
Now read her statement (below) carefully and see how deftly the communists change the focus from "leftist thugs are wearing masks so they can beat people they don't like without being caught" to "you can't ban masks cuz that will cause police to focus on the wrong issue:"
Cuz...wait for it...they're wearing...masks. They know they're gonna break the law, which is why they want to hide behind a mask.
Why do ya think bank robbers wear masks, sparky?
This is not a difficult concept. But of course the ACLU doesn't want to lose their Antifa weapon--and don't doubt for a second that it's a weapon they use against conservatives--so they're determined to block any effort to ban masks.
The spokeswoman went on to say
See, the ACLU implicitly claims that "Make America great again" is "hate speech." And in their view, "free speech" doesn't permit speech they don't like. And what would that be? Why, "hate speech." And who defines "hate speech," comrade?
Why, the elites at the ACLU. Kinda surprised you had to ask.
It's critical to note that a key enabling factor in the ability of Antifa thugs to beat people is the ability to hide their identity behind masks. About 15 states have laws against wearing masks. Oregon doesn't, and leftists cunningly argue that any such law would violate their First Amendment rights--by depriving them of anonymity.
Didja get that? The implicit claim here is that people "can't express their views"--free speech, comrade--unless they're wearing a mask. Bullshit, but that's the left's position. Are you surprised?
A spokeswoman for the left-wing American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon said she doubted that a law banning masks could be enforced in a constitutional manner.
Now read her statement (below) carefully and see how deftly the communists change the focus from "leftist thugs are wearing masks so they can beat people they don't like without being caught" to "you can't ban masks cuz that will cause police to focus on the wrong issue:"
"A policy that prohibits wearing a mask to a protest will have police focusing on the wrong issue," said Sarah Armstrong, a spokeswoman for the ACLU. "Behavior is the issue, not the mask."Armstrong's second sentence is designed to make you accept her preceding premise: There's no argument that "behavior is the issue." But the reason the masked "Antifa" thugs can beat people up with impunity is...they know they can't be identified.
Cuz...wait for it...they're wearing...masks. They know they're gonna break the law, which is why they want to hide behind a mask.
Why do ya think bank robbers wear masks, sparky?
This is not a difficult concept. But of course the ACLU doesn't want to lose their Antifa weapon--and don't doubt for a second that it's a weapon they use against conservatives--so they're determined to block any effort to ban masks.
The spokeswoman went on to say
"It could be argued that the mask is an important symbolic part of a protester’s message. ... There are many legitimate reasons people wear ‘masks,’ including political and religious reasons.''Oh, you bet. And it could be argued that the ACLU is (an has always been) a communist organization that actively tries to destroy the United States.
See, the ACLU implicitly claims that "Make America great again" is "hate speech." And in their view, "free speech" doesn't permit speech they don't like. And what would that be? Why, "hate speech." And who defines "hate speech," comrade?
Why, the elites at the ACLU. Kinda surprised you had to ask.
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