July 01, 2019

Congress (spit) passes "emergency appropriation" bill to "deal with" border crisis. But what does it DO?

Ever try to actually READ the actual full text of "a" law?  If you want an education on how sneaky and corrupt congress is, you should try it.

For example, after congressional Democrats claimed for a full year that there was "no crisis on the southern border," and that any claim by the Trump administration to the contrary was a "manufactured crisis," congress just passed an "emergency supplemental appropriation" of $4.6 Billion of your tax dollars to...do what?

I'm pretty sure you have only a vague idea.  You may recall the Mainstream Media describing the $4.6 Billion as "humanitarian aid."  In reality, the money congress "appropriated" is to be used for, among other things, hiring attorneys to help illegals gain benefits, and ultimately, citizenship.

Of course you don't believe that.  Unless you're an idiot liberal you're smart enough to realize that using YOUR money to hire more attorneys to help illegals get into the U.S. faster and get them set up with welfare benefits is NOT a good use of your tax dollars.

Tough.  Congress ordered it, you're stuck with it.  And if you think this is fake news, here's a section of the new "order," straight off the congress.gov website.

Administration for Children and Families
                     refugee and entrant assistance

    For an additional amount for ``Refugee and Entrant Assistance'', 
$2,881,552,000, to be merged with and available for the same period as 
funds appropriated in Public Law 115-245 ``for carrying out such 
sections 414, 501, 462, and 235'', which shall be available for any 
purpose funded under such heading in such law:  Provided, That if any 
part of the reprogramming described in the notification submitted by 
the Secretary of Health and Human Services (the ``Secretary'') to the 
Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the 
Senate on May 16, 2019 has been executed, such amounts provided by this 
Act as are necessary shall be used to reverse such reprogramming:  
Provided further, That amounts allocated by the Secretary for costs of 
leases of property that include facilities to be used as hard-sided 
dormitories for which the Secretary intends to seek State licensure for 
the care of unaccompanied alien children, and that are executed under 
authorities transferred to the Director of the Office of Refugee 
Resettlement (ORR) under section 462 of the Homeland Security Act of 
2002, shall remain available until expended:  Provided further, That 
ORR shall notify the Committees on Appropriations of the House of 
Representatives and the Senate within 72 hours of conducting a formal 
assessment of a facility for possible lease or acquisition and within 7 
days of any acquisition or lease of real property:  Provided further, 
That not less than $866,000,000 of amounts provided under this heading 
shall be used for the provision of care in licensed shelters and for 
expanding the supply of shelters for which State licensure will be 
sought, of which not less than $27,000,000 shall be available for the 
purposes of adding shelter beds in State-licensed facilities in 
response to funding opportunity HHS-2017-ACF-ORR-ZU-1132, and of which 
not less than $185,000,000 shall be available for expansion grants to 
add beds in State-licensed facilities and open new State-licensed 
facilities, and for contract costs to acquire, activate, and operate 
facilities that will include small- and medium-scale hard-sided 
facilities for which the Secretary intends to seek State licensure in 
an effort to phase out the need for shelter beds in unlicensed 
facilities:  Provided further, That not less than $100,000,000 of 
amounts provided under this heading shall be used for post-release 
services, child advocates, and legal services:  Provided further, That 
not less than $8,000,000 of amounts provided under this heading shall 
be used for the purposes of hiring additional Federal Field Specialists 
and for increasing case management and case coordination services, with 
the goal of more expeditiously placing unaccompanied alien children 
with sponsors and reducing the length of stay in ORR custody:  Provided 
further, That not less than $1,000,000 of amounts provided under this 
heading shall be used for the purposes of hiring project officers and 
program monitor staff dedicated to pursuing strategic improvements to 
the Unaccompanied Alien Children program and for the development of a 
discharge rate improvement plan which shall be submitted to the 
Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the 
Senate within 120 days of enactment of this Act:  Provided further, 
That of the amounts provided under this heading, $5,000,000 shall be 
transferred to ``Office of the Secretary--Office of Inspector General'' 
and shall remain available until expended for oversight of activities 
supported with funds appropriated under this heading:  Provided 
further, That such amount is designated by the Congress as being for an 
emergency requirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the 
Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985.

Did you get all that?  No?  Well, don't worry, citizen:  You're not supposed to get it.  As with ALL laws from congress, the wording is deliberately designed to be utterly opaque.  For example, look at the second highlighted line, which specifies ``for carrying out such sections 414, 501, 462, and 235'' of Public Law 115-245.

Ah, that explains a LOT!  Wait, it doesn't.  You don't know what those sections of an entirely different law demand.  And the jerks in congress know you don't.  And further, they know that no voter or "reporter" will EVER bother to look up what those sections order.

But don't worry, citizen:  Everything congress does is totally, completely above-board.  No sneaky, sole-source contracts.  No brother-in-law deals.  No insider-trading opportunities.  No sir.  Not one.  Just 100,000 new illegal invaders every month.

BTW, Public Law 115-245 is titled (not that it matters) "Department of Defense and Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations Act, 2019, and Continuing Appropriations Act, 2019."  So let's try looking to see what "sections 414, 501, 462 and 235" of this law say, shall we?

Good luck.  Cuz "Public Law 115-245" doesn't contain those sections.  If you doubt that, here's the link to the text of that law, from congress's own damn website.

"Wait," I hear my liberal friend saying.  "That's not possible!  Cuz that would mean that the "emergency appropriation" bill contained references that don't exist."


"But trust us, citizen:  We're your betters, your rulers.  Everything we do is totally legit."

But if you're very determined, you can find what those sections referred to in the emergency bill actually point to:  They're sections in other laws--not 115-245.

"Section 414" is actually found in the "Immigration and Nationality Act."  "Section 501" is in the "Refugee Education Assistance Act of 1980."  "Section 462" is in the Homeland Security Act of 2002."  And "Section 235 of the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008."  None of these are in Public Law 115-245.

So how many "journalists" bothered to find out what these sections said?  None.  Cuz if anyone bothered to chase the references down, they would have raised the issue.  But no one bothered to check.  Which was the point.

In another section of the emergency bill we see this:
For an additional amount for ``Operations and Support'' for 
necessary expenses to respond to the significant rise in aliens at the 
southwest border and related activities, $1,015,431,000; of which 
$819,950,000 shall be available until September 30, 2020:  Provided, 
That of the amounts provided under this heading, $708,000,000 is for 
establishing and operating migrant care and processing facilities, 
$111,950,000 is for consumables and medical care, $35,000,000 is for 
transportation, $110,481,000 is for temporary duty and overtime costs 
including reimbursements, and $50,000,000 is for mission support data 
systems and analysis:

Congress just ordered a billion dollars of your money to be used for illegal immigrants, of which $708 million shall be spent on "establishing and operating migrant care and processing facilities."  And how long before another billion, then another?  Answer:  there will be no end, until we get a border wall.

And every American with a functioning brain cell realizes this.  So why do Democrats refuse to deal with the real problem?

Cuz to Dems it's not a problem, but an asset.  Millions of new Democrat voters.  Forever.

As many wags have pointed out, if illegals voted Republican the wall would be finished in a week.


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