July 13, 2019

Another Democrat enters the 2020 race??

Another Democrat--this time a hard-core America-hating lesbian--has entered the 2020 presidential race.

To the surprise of no one she was immediately, enthusiastically endorsed by the Left's favorite TV personality:  the hard-left, America-hating lesbian Rachel Maddow.

Whoa, who could have predicted that, eh?

The new candidate is soccer "star" Megan Rapinoe--who famously crowed "I deserve this" while holding the World Cup.  Not "We have a great team, and this was definitely a team effort."

Gee, I don't see any clouds in this gal's future.  Do you?  Nah.  She seems very well-adjusted, eh?

CNN immediately reported that their polls showed Rapinoe had the support of 18 percent of Democrat voters.

Okay, all of the above is sarc.  The fact is that Rapinoe--who fashions herself a “walking protest”-- previously said in an interview that she would be protesting the national anthem as an “F you” to President Donald Trump.  She also scoffed at the prospect of an invitation to the White House, telling a reporter that there is no “f***ing way” she’d be going.

Consider this, citizen: The Lying Mainstream Media have annointed this creature as a role model for American youth.

Ya think we're in trouble ?

Nah, everything's just fine, citizen.

H/T Weaselzippers.


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