May 05, 2019

For young Americans: a recap of Hilliary's private email server

If you're an American of college age, you probably don't know much about the astonishing story of Hilliary Clinton's private email server--since you were probably about 15 when that story surfaced.  But you should know about it, because it illustrates yet again how utterly corrupt the "elites" are, and how they always get away with crimes and corruption that would land ordinary citizens in jail.

After Obama defeated Hilliary for the Dem nomination, then was elected president, he appointed her Secretary of State--a very prestigious position.  Now, government officials are expected to use "dot-gov" email accounts for official business.  Hilliary knew this, but when emperor Obama appointed her as Secretary of State she decided that she didn't have to obey the rules because, reasons.  So not only did she have her lackeys set up a private email server at her estate in New York, she conducted all official State Department business using this private email account.  She never--repeat, never, at any time--had a "dot-gov" email account.

Now given the number of government employees, you'd think that somewhere deep inside the vast, corrupt bureaucracy of the State Department there would have been just one poor sumbitch whose job was to set up dot-gov email accounts for the top rulers, like Hilliary.  And you might think that munchkin would have been perhaps a bit...anxious...when Hilliary decided not to let him set up a dot-gov email for her, since this violated all sorts of security rules. 

And of course all Hilliary's top aides at State--including the utterly corrupt Cheryl Mills--knew Hilliary was conducting all official business with her private email account.  But not one of them breathed a word of it.  Cuz, reasons.

When word finally leaked out, emperor Obama flatly denied knowing his SecState didn't have a dot-gov account, and was conducting all official business with an unsecured, private email server.  Of course this was a total, brazen lie:  Obama not only knew, he'd been exchanging emails with Hilly via her private email account for months! 

All this has been thoroughly documented--and thoroughly ignored by the Lying Media.

Wait, it gets worse:  Both congress and a federal judge ordered Hilliary to preserve her private email server and all its contents.  So did she?

Hahahahahahaha!  You're kidding, right?  She hired a company to wipe her server clean, "beyond hope of forensic recovery."

So was she prosecuted for this?  You know, defying a court order, destroying evidence, that sort of thing?

You're kidding again, right?  She was not.  Because she's...special.

When the FBI finally got around to interviewing her--after director James Comey had already drafted his letter exonerating her!--she was even able to get the FBI to not record the interview, nor put her under oath.  Both these things are huge violations of normal FBI procedure.

Oh, the interview was conducted by Trump-hating FBI agent Peter Strzok--the guy who texted his mistress Lisa Page (an attorney close to the top FBI leadership) "Don't worry, we'll stop [Trump]."  Which explains why the interview produced no useful information.

Oh, and the FBI allowed Hilliary's top aide at State-- State Department employee Cheryl Mills --to be present at the FBI's interview with Hilliary.  This again was a huge violation of normal policy since Mills was a key witness, and shouldn't have been allowed to sit in on the interview with her boss since that would give Mills a chance to coordinate cover stories.

So why would Hilliary set up a private email account?  The clip below summarizes it.  Jeanine Pirro is often too dramatic but she puts the story together very well.  Take a look:

But hey, nothing at all fishy about Hilly's private email server, citizen!  Oh, and be sure to vote Democrat in 2020.  Cuz "Orange man bad!"


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