April 22, 2019

Non-citizen admits voting illegally in 2016 election, sentenced to one...what??

And speaking of corrupt judges... In North Carolina a Mexican national--Guadalupe Espinosa-Pena-- who was a legal resident but not a U.S. citizen, tried to register to vote before the 2016 election.  He was told he couldn't register to vote because he was not a United States citizen.  But of course...

...a corrupt state election official allowed the guy to register to vote anyway, telling him “if he wanted his voice to be heard, he needed to vote.”

The above quote is from a press release from the U.S. Department of Justice.

The guy voted illegally in the presidential election.  He was just sentenced to one month in prison for that crime, according to the DOJ.

And following the practice of the corrupt DOJ to protect Democrats, the press release didn't identify the corrupt state election official who illegally registered Espinosa-Pena to vote, nor did they identify that official's political party.

But there's no such thing as the Deep State, and two sets of laws.  All a figment of your imagination, citizen.
Mandatory Google warning:  We have not confirmed the above claims, so readers are advised to be extremely skeptical about this alleged "news."  The link in the story may not go to the real DOJ website, but could be a clever impersonation.  Also, the fact that the "press release" at the link doesn't mention the name of the alleged "election official" or his/her political party is very suspicious.  Your honest Department of Justice would never try to conceal such a relevant fact.
   We want to assure you that contra to wild claims by Republicans, almost no non-citizens ever vote illegally.  
    Remember, citizen:  You can only trust news if it comes from one of our Trusted Sources like the NY Times, Washington Post, CNN or MSNBC.  Or us, of course, since we are extremely careful that no unverified stories slip into your news feed to make you feel unsafe.


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