May 03, 2019

20 years from now Americans will be astonished at how stupid many citizens were back in 2019

Twenty years from now I suspect most Americans will look back and shake their heads with wonder about how unbelievably stupid many Americans of 2019 were--including the Mainstream Media and all of our nation's self-styled "elites."

We're talking abysmally, wretchedly, unbelievably stupid.  Examples:

The dummies of 2019 actually believed not only that global warming was a threat to all life on the planet, but that it was caused by...CO2, emitted by...humans.  This despite incontrovertible evidence from ice cores that rising CO2 does NOT precede temperature rises but actually follows temperature increases.  Wow, who knew??

Back in 2019 half of Americans--and all the dominant Lying Mainstream Media--claimed that opening our borders to anyone who wanted to enter was actually good for our country.  Not only that, they screeched that anyone who disagreed was a racist and a "xenophobe."

Back in 2019 half of Americans claimed socialism (i.e. communism by another name) was preferable to free markets and capitalism.  Even more astonishing, not a single idiot from the Lying Mainstream Media ever asked a Dem presidential candidate "But if communism is really, seriously better, how come everyone in the world wants to come here, but no one is risking their life to migrate to a communist country?"

Americans of 2039 will find it hard to believe that the so-called "elites" and Mainstream Media of 2019 repeatedly, stridently claimed that "all cultures are equal."  They'll be astonished that anyone could make such a claim, in denial of the obvious fact that this is utter horse-shit.  (Srilanka Easter Sunday bombing, anyone?  Hijacking planes into the World Trade Center?  Strapping bomb vests on children.  Anyone support that?  Oh wait...our media has totally ignored all this in favor of the bullshit declaration that "All cultures are equally valid.")

Americans of 2039 will be astonished at the fact that although the dominant media elites of 2019 constantly pushed the idea that people were entitled to use illegal drugs if they wanted to, dozens of states spent hundreds of millions of dollars to save drug addicts from drug overdoses--only to find that the addicts eventually succeeded in killing themselves by...drug overdose.

Americans of 2039 will be astonished to learn that a black, America-hating, white-hating "teacher"--in a Richmond juvenile detention center--was named 2019's "national teacher of the year."   They'll wonder how that could happen.

Americans of 2039 will be astonished that every single Democrat presidential candidate--and the Democrat leaders of both the House and senate--supported a plan to end the use of carbon-based fuels and ban commercial jet travel--at least for "little people" not holding a government position.

Americans of 2039 will be amazed that unelected judges were able to force the government to release illegal alien invaders into the interior of the U.S. as soon as they sneaked across the border, as long as the invader brought a child with him or her.  Citizens two decades from now will be astonished that their counterparts from 2019 seemingly didn't grasp the fact that word of this outrageous legal ruling--by an unelected judge--would reach every third-world resident within a day or two after it was issued, or that it would result in over 100,000 illegals entering the U.S. in a single month.

Americans of 2039 will be amazed that a handful of social-crusader morons of 2019 were able to ram through the absurd decree allowing biological males to compete against women in sports, both in the U.S. and in the Olympics.

Americans two decades from now will be flabbergasted that back in 2019 courts would take away the rights of a parent merely for expressing their desire that their young child not be given hormone therapy to "help them" achieve their desire to be the opposite sex.

Americans of 2039 will be astonished by the fact that a panel of goofy "social-justice warriors" in San Francisco voted to remove two historic murals from a local school.  The murals depicted George Washington, known to earlier Americans as the father of our country for his amazing skills leading American troops in our war for independence, and his later vision as first president of the newly-liberated country.  Those demanding that the murals be removed said they're offensive to Native Americans and African-Americans, and "traumatize students and community members.”

Future Americans will be equally astonished that the same sort of morons demanded that statues of Thomas Jefferson--the main author of the Declaration of Independence--be removed from several universities (including he University of Virginia which he founded.  Snowflakes also demanded the removal of the Jefferson memorial in Washington DC.

Future Americans will be astounded that Americans of two decades earlier were so dumb that they elected a president who, despite claiming to be born in Hawaii--a state with reasonably good records--not only failed to produce a birth certificate until four years after his election, but then produced an obviously-forged document.  That president would eventually be forced to surrender his law license, for reasons never divulged.

Americans two decades from now will be astonished that the leaders of the Democrat party gushingly praised the government-run health-"care" systems of Britain and Canada, and condemned our own system.  For those new to the planet, the supposedly wonderful NHS in the UK routinely withholds food and water from patients confined to beds so they'll die more quickly, to make room for others.  The NHS has stopped providing cataract surgery for older citizens.  By contrast, in the U.S. one can get cataract surgery within a week of diagnosis.  In Canada citizens are forced to wait months to get a diagnostic MRI, while here you can get one in 30 minutes.  Yet the Democrats claimed the government-run systems of Canada and the UK were far, far better than ours.  And the media agreed.

Americans today should be ashamed.  Yet all of the above outrages have been totally supported by a Lying Media seemingly bent on destroying the greatest, most free nation the world has ever seen.

Interesting.  And you might well wonder why that is.


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