Is CO2 causing the planet to warm? Uh, no.
One of the greatest delusions--or possibly greatest hoaxes--of the last three centuries is the claim that a) Earth's climate is warming by a dangerous amount; b) that this warming is caused by an increasing amount of CO2 in the atomosphere; and c) that the increased CO2 is due to humans burning carbon-based fuels ("fossil fuels").
Now, many delusions are harmless--and if not for screaming socialist politicians this one might be as well. But the leftist/communist/"progressive" pols who are driving the agenda of the Democrat party--and who know nothing about actual, y'know, science--demand that you support their announced plans to ban fossil fuels. Which also means banning air travel, since jets burn...fossil fuel.
Also, according to the federal agency that tracks this stuff, fossil fuels currently generate 63.5% of the electricity used in the U.S. Remove fossil fuels and electricity costs go exponential. (For the snowflakes who don't know jack about anything, that's due to a thing called "supply and demand.")
Of course if CO2 was really gonna' cause Earth's climate to go nuts, we'd all agree that desperate measures would be appropriate. And if you don't know a lot about science, the Democrats' claims about CO2 causing fatal global warming sound plausible. So I'd like to take a minute to show you why the claim by Democrat/proggy leftists that CO2 is gonna' cause the TOTAL EXTINCTION OF LIFE ON THE PLANET! is utter, obvious horse-shit.
The notion of global warming comes from the fact that although sunlight penetrates the atmosphere easily, when it hits ground most of it's reflected back as longer-wave heat. Lots of gases in the atmosphere block heat--the so-called "greenhouse effect." But you need to know that CO2 isn't the main greenhouse gas. Here's the list, with the estimated percentage each gas contributes to the greenhouse effect:

As you see, water vapor is responsible for a lot more of the greenhouse effect than CO2. And as should be obvious, we can't do anything about the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere.
Another hole in the CO2 theory comes from ice cores taken from Antarctica. In some parts of that continent the ice is 19,000 feet thick--ice that's 800,000 years old. Drillers have extracted cores, which are melted in a lab and the trapped gases analyzed. We can also get a good idea of the ocean temperature, by looking at the structure of microscopic critters called diatoms. What they've found is that instead of rising CO2 leading temperature increases, it's the other way round: CO2 levels follow temperature changes by a couple of hundred years.
If changes in CO2 follow temperature changes, it should be obvious that CO2 can't be causing temperatures to change.
The Dems/progs and Mainstream Media haven't told you that about the ice-core findings--and won't. But even if they did, they know at least half of Americans are so poorly educated that they'd have absolutely no idea that CO2 following temp change (instead of leading it) totally demolishes the theory that CO2 causesglobal warming climate change.
For a good review of the holes in the theory of global warming go here:
Now, many delusions are harmless--and if not for screaming socialist politicians this one might be as well. But the leftist/communist/"progressive" pols who are driving the agenda of the Democrat party--and who know nothing about actual, y'know, science--demand that you support their announced plans to ban fossil fuels. Which also means banning air travel, since jets burn...fossil fuel.
Also, according to the federal agency that tracks this stuff, fossil fuels currently generate 63.5% of the electricity used in the U.S. Remove fossil fuels and electricity costs go exponential. (For the snowflakes who don't know jack about anything, that's due to a thing called "supply and demand.")
Of course if CO2 was really gonna' cause Earth's climate to go nuts, we'd all agree that desperate measures would be appropriate. And if you don't know a lot about science, the Democrats' claims about CO2 causing fatal global warming sound plausible. So I'd like to take a minute to show you why the claim by Democrat/proggy leftists that CO2 is gonna' cause the TOTAL EXTINCTION OF LIFE ON THE PLANET! is utter, obvious horse-shit.
The notion of global warming comes from the fact that although sunlight penetrates the atmosphere easily, when it hits ground most of it's reflected back as longer-wave heat. Lots of gases in the atmosphere block heat--the so-called "greenhouse effect." But you need to know that CO2 isn't the main greenhouse gas. Here's the list, with the estimated percentage each gas contributes to the greenhouse effect:
As you see, water vapor is responsible for a lot more of the greenhouse effect than CO2. And as should be obvious, we can't do anything about the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere.
Another hole in the CO2 theory comes from ice cores taken from Antarctica. In some parts of that continent the ice is 19,000 feet thick--ice that's 800,000 years old. Drillers have extracted cores, which are melted in a lab and the trapped gases analyzed. We can also get a good idea of the ocean temperature, by looking at the structure of microscopic critters called diatoms. What they've found is that instead of rising CO2 leading temperature increases, it's the other way round: CO2 levels follow temperature changes by a couple of hundred years.
If changes in CO2 follow temperature changes, it should be obvious that CO2 can't be causing temperatures to change.
The Dems/progs and Mainstream Media haven't told you that about the ice-core findings--and won't. But even if they did, they know at least half of Americans are so poorly educated that they'd have absolutely no idea that CO2 following temp change (instead of leading it) totally demolishes the theory that CO2 causes
For a good review of the holes in the theory of global warming go here:
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