Student wears Trump shirt to "America Pride Day;" Dem principal orders her to cover it up
In Epping, New Hampshire, the high school had "America Pride Day." Freshman Ciretta Mackenzie wore a Trump tee shirt and a “Make America
Great Again” hat.
Mackenzie wore the shirt to the school’s America Pride Day, which presumably encouraged students to celebrate America, somehow. The student said she was surprised to be called to the principal’s office, whcre principal Brian Ernest told her that she couldn’t wear the shirt or hat.
The student said the principal told her Trump is a controversial president, and that the principal didn’t want America Pride Day to become political.
an email to Ciretta’s mother, the principal wrote, “I explained that we need to separate political
views from patriotism. In today’s climate it is important to not mix
church or state.”
“It only says 'Trump: Make America Great Again.' It doesn’t say anything like 'build the wall,' so I don’t get how it could be offensive,” Mackenzie said. According to Mackenzie the dress code doesn’t say anything about political slogans on clothes. School board chairman David Mylott said he can’t find anything in the school’s dress code that would prevent a student from wearing the shirt.
Far too many public school administrators--like this principal--are far left. Which explains a LOT.
Original story in the local paper here.
“It only says 'Trump: Make America Great Again.' It doesn’t say anything like 'build the wall,' so I don’t get how it could be offensive,” Mackenzie said. According to Mackenzie the dress code doesn’t say anything about political slogans on clothes. School board chairman David Mylott said he can’t find anything in the school’s dress code that would prevent a student from wearing the shirt.
Far too many public school administrators--like this principal--are far left. Which explains a LOT.
Original story in the local paper here.
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