John Kerry testifies on global warming, gets questioned by a guy with two MIT degrees. Hilarity ensues.
Few college-age Americans know much about John Kerry, but the Media still love him. His major accomplishment seems to have been serving a total of six weeks on a Navy patrol boat in Vietnam, getting himself pulled out of that country after a grueling six weeks by claiming to have been "wounded" three times. (The wounds were scratches.)
Kerry then cemented his place in the heart of the Lying Mainstream Media by going to Paris and being filmed in green military fatigues telling interviewers ghastly lies about what he'd supposedly seen in his six weeks of awful "combat" in Vietnam.
Kerry would go on to marry two wives of multi-millionaires, cementing his place as one of America's elite. He went on to be a U.S. senator and Secretary of State.
Only recently did we find out Kerry was also an expert on Earth's climate.
That probably comes as a surprise to most people. But seriously, since all the Dem presidential candidates claimglobal warming wait..."climate change" is the gravest threat to our future, last week the Democrat-controlled House Oversight Committee invited "experts" to offer their expert opinions on the topic. And one of the "experts" they invited was... John Kerry. So I guess he must be an expert, cuz why else would the Dems want an opinion on global warming climate change from some random lying gigolo?
No so-called "journalist" bothered to ask why Kerry was invited to be on a panel presumably consisting of climate experts, but there he was, taking "questions on the national security threat posed by climate change” (the threat formerly known as "global warming" until that lie became too obvious).
Amusingly (for us, though not for Kerry), among the scoundrels, thieves and corruptocrats in the House is one with two degrees from MIT--Rep. Tom Massie (R-Ky.). They're engineering degrees, but engineers are sharp enough to decipher damn near any scientific claim. And Massie had some questions for Kerry.
Massie began his questioning by asking Kerry about his “science degree” from Yale.
Kerry explained it was actually a bachelor of arts in political science.
“How do you get a bachelor of arts in a science?” Massie asked.
“Well, it’s liberal arts education . . .” Kerry replied.
“So, it’s not really science,” Massie said. “I think it’s somewhat appropriate that someone with a pseudoscience degree is here pushing pseudoscience in front of our committee today.”
“Are you serious?” Kerry said. “Is this really serious? This is really happening here?”
Kerry had trouble answering Massie’s questions about the climate. The WaPo described Massie's questions as “bizarre” since apparently the panel of presumed experts--supposedly convened to give the Dems expert scientific opinions onglobal warming climate change--evidently wasn’t expecting questions on, you know, climate science. Apparently the "testimony" was just supposed to offer Dems and their shills yet another opportunity to preen about their virtue in demanding that you stoopid deplorables stop driving cars and flying, while they continue to live in 10,000 square-foot homes and fly their private or government jets to conferences and awards ceremonies.
Apparently no one bothered to tell Massie that asking actual, y'know, serious questions was off-limits.
Massie asked Kerry why, if carbon dioxide levels are driven by burning fossil fuel--there was more CO2 in the atmosphere millions of years ago than there is today, to which Kerry responded, “But there weren’t human beings; that was a different world, folks.”
“Did geology stop when we got on the planet?” Massie asked.
Sensing he was in over his head, Kerry used the warmies' standard tactic: He accused Massie of not being serious. “This is just not a serious conversation,” said Kerry.
Leadership, baby. Science.
H/T American Greatness.
Kerry then cemented his place in the heart of the Lying Mainstream Media by going to Paris and being filmed in green military fatigues telling interviewers ghastly lies about what he'd supposedly seen in his six weeks of awful "combat" in Vietnam.
Kerry would go on to marry two wives of multi-millionaires, cementing his place as one of America's elite. He went on to be a U.S. senator and Secretary of State.
Only recently did we find out Kerry was also an expert on Earth's climate.
That probably comes as a surprise to most people. But seriously, since all the Dem presidential candidates claim
No so-called "journalist" bothered to ask why Kerry was invited to be on a panel presumably consisting of climate experts, but there he was, taking "questions on the national security threat posed by climate change” (the threat formerly known as "global warming" until that lie became too obvious).
Amusingly (for us, though not for Kerry), among the scoundrels, thieves and corruptocrats in the House is one with two degrees from MIT--Rep. Tom Massie (R-Ky.). They're engineering degrees, but engineers are sharp enough to decipher damn near any scientific claim. And Massie had some questions for Kerry.
Massie began his questioning by asking Kerry about his “science degree” from Yale.
Kerry explained it was actually a bachelor of arts in political science.
“How do you get a bachelor of arts in a science?” Massie asked.
“Well, it’s liberal arts education . . .” Kerry replied.
“So, it’s not really science,” Massie said. “I think it’s somewhat appropriate that someone with a pseudoscience degree is here pushing pseudoscience in front of our committee today.”
“Are you serious?” Kerry said. “Is this really serious? This is really happening here?”
Kerry had trouble answering Massie’s questions about the climate. The WaPo described Massie's questions as “bizarre” since apparently the panel of presumed experts--supposedly convened to give the Dems expert scientific opinions on
Apparently no one bothered to tell Massie that asking actual, y'know, serious questions was off-limits.
Massie asked Kerry why, if carbon dioxide levels are driven by burning fossil fuel--there was more CO2 in the atmosphere millions of years ago than there is today, to which Kerry responded, “But there weren’t human beings; that was a different world, folks.”
“Did geology stop when we got on the planet?” Massie asked.
Sensing he was in over his head, Kerry used the warmies' standard tactic: He accused Massie of not being serious. “This is just not a serious conversation,” said Kerry.
Leadership, baby. Science.
H/T American Greatness.
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