April 12, 2019

Why does the phrase "Make America Great Again" make so many Dems see red?

When presidential candidate Trump launched his campaign with the slogan “Make America Great Again,” one never expected this phrase would trigger hateful responses from roughly half of all Americans.  I mean, who could possibly argue with the goal of making America great again?

And yet...the leaders of the Democrat party, and their media allies, find the slogan hugely offensive.

“MAGA” was intended as a counterweight to leftists and media "elites" who loudly, constantly wailed that America wasn't exceptional, and had never been great.  Trump seems to have realized the obvious: that hard-working, law-abiding Americans on the right were sick to death of eight years of emperor Barack Obama apologizing for our country, fanning the flames of racial hate, alienating our allies, empowering our enemies and telling our youth that America was never great.

The phrase exposed the hate or disgust that leftists feel for this country, and for those who believe in it, and its greatness and exceptionalism.  For example, last week Obama's former attorney-general, Eric Holder, appeared on MSNBC and said this:
I hear these things about 'Let’s make America great again' and I think to myself, ‘Exactly when did you think America was great’?  It certainly wasn’t when people were enslaved. It certainly wasn’t when women didn’t have the right to vote. It certainly wasn’t when the LGBT community was denied the rights to which it was entitled… It takes us back to what I think [is] an American past that never in fact really existed, this notion of greatness.
‘Make America Great Again’ is inconsistent with who we are as Americans at our best where we look at the uncertain future, embrace it and make it our own.”
For Democrats, leftists and so-called "progressives," it's impossible for America to ever be great--or indeed, ever to have been great.  Many seem to believe the reason is because some Americans owned slaves--at a time when slavery was the norm in most nations.  Other leftists believe the country was never great because women didn't get the vote until a century or so after the Constitution.  Still others--like Eric Holder--add that the fatal failing was not letting men who claim to be women compete against biological women ("...when the LGBT community was denied the rights to which it was entitled.").

If you think Holder is an anomaly--that he doesn't really represent the thinking of most Democrats--consider remarks by New York governor Andrew Cuomo last fall.  Cuomo declared,

We’re not going to make America great again. It was never that great. We have not reached greatness, we will reach greatness when every American is fully engaged, we will reach greatness when discrimination and stereotyping against women, 51 percent of our population, is gone and every woman’s full potential is realized and unleashed and every woman is making her full contribution.

After those remarks Cuomo’s office--desperate to limit the damage--"clarified:"  The governor, said the statement, actually believes America is great--exactly the opposite of what he actually said, and believes America simply “has not yet reached its maximum potential” of “full equality.”

Ah.  So when the shit-for-brains Dem governor said "We're not going to make America great again.  America was never that great" he actually didn't mean anything like that? 

Sure, that explains it.

Of course the sort of equality Cuomo and his fellow socialists mean is not equality before the law or equality of opportunity, but equal outcomes, regardless of whether one makes awful personal choices. Dems intend to achieve through government force. That is not American greatness; that is totalitarianism.

To undermine the inspirational power of "Make America Great Again," the left has been claiming for months that "Make America Great Again" is code for white supremacism.  This week, for instance, the leftist Huffiington Post ran a piece claiming that “MAGA” has become a symbol of the far right. The charming Hilliary Clinton shared this on social media, adding her comment that “The white nationalists certainly believe ‘MAGA’ is a white nationalist slogan,” using “white nationalist” twice in one sentence so that even the most dim-witted Democrat can’t miss it.

Once upon a time the notion that America was great would have been considered self-evident to all but card-carrying Communists. But the Democrat party has become so radicalized in recent decades that Trump’s slogan and hat have spurred hate-filled radicals around the country to launch profane verbal assaults and physical violence against men, women, and children too many times to count.

What is it about "MAGA" that so angers leftists? 

Likely because the Left has realized that the best way to counter the slogan is to demonize the U.S., it people and its history. They don't regard the Founding Fathers as the architects of the freest country in history but instead as sexist slaveowners.

H/T Mark Tapson at FrontPage.


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