"Closing the border will decrease the supply of fentanyl, gang members, murderers and rapists. BUT..."

Conservatives (i.e. rational Americans): "No contest! Shut that sumbitch down, NOW!!"
Liberals, Democrats and every single member of the Lying Media: "Oh NOOooo! How can we live without...AVOCADOS??"
Conservatives: "You morons DO realize the U.S. produces gazillions of avocados, right?"
Libs, Dems and Media: "Uhh...maybe. But if OrangeHitler closed the border the price of avocados would increase cuz of lower supply! So closing the border would be just AWFUL !!"
Conservatives: "Wait, since when did you morons decide the laws of supply and demand were valid? When your Dem leaders--and every Dem presidential candidate--pushed for open borders, we said one of the many reasons that was dumb was that importing millions of low-skill workers would depress wages for entry-level U.S. workers, because of all the imported low-skilled workers in the workforce. You said that wouldn't happen. We said it was obvious that neither you nor your party's leaders understand the laws of supply and demand. You said we were dumb. But NOW you suddenly agree with the laws of supply and demand? WOW, welcome to the real world!"
Now if we can just get you to agree that subsidizing anything produces more of it, and taxing something results in LESS of it, we'll have a chance to make some rational choices on policies!"
Libs, Dems and Media: "You people are dumb!"
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