April 11, 2019

How would the Lying Mainstream Media react if Trump said "Immigrants should learn English"?

Democrat leaders and other leftists constantly tell us our president is a racist, a bigot, who encourages his supporters to hate immigrants.  This theme is constantly, relentlessly shouted by the Mainstream Media.

Examples are endless.  Here's one:
“Should we want to encourage newcomers to learn the language of the country they’re moving to? Of course.  It’s not racist to say if you’re going to be here then you should learn the language of the country you just arrived at.  We need to have some sort of common language in which all of us can work and learn and understand each other.”
See??!!  And this:
“Reducing fear on the part of people who are already there…requires some levels of adaptation from the people who are coming in.  Suddenly we're in cities with strangers we don’t know and we are asked to trust them, and it goes against some of our impulses.”
See??!!  He's a hater!  A raaacist!  Xenophobe!  Bigot!  He's...wait, what?

Y'say the above statements were NOT made by Trump?  But...but...but they're exactly the type of things he uses as "dog whistles" to rile up his deplorable, nativist supporters!  But if da eeevil OrangeManBad didn't say these things, who did?

Turns out the above statements were made by that paragon of tolerance and open borders, Barack Hussein Obama, last weekend in Berlin.

In 2005 Obama campaigned on a platform of ending illegal immigration, explaining “We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, and unchecked.”  Apparently this was a total lie--a fraud committed on the American people.  That is, at no time did Obama ever really want border security.  But since most Americans disagreed, rather than be honest about his beliefs he simply lied.

But now that he's no longer issuing decrees giving millions of illegal alien invaders de-facto amnesty, he's making speeches trying to convince voters that the Democrat party really does believe opening our borders to the world is NOT a great deal.  Yet he himself did everything he could to move U.S. policy in that direction.

His success in this goal is apparent in the election of freshman Dem congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who campaigned on abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement.  Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez called AOC “the future of our party.”  Every top Democrat 2020 presidential candidate, including Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren quickly praised the proposal.  Half a dozen Democrat congressmen followed suit, as did the Democrat mayor of sanctuary city New York, who said “ICE’s time has come and gone.”

Since President Trump’s election in 2016, Democrats led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi have opposed all proposals to construct and reinforce fencing along the southern border. Many have gone so far as to condemn physical border barriers as “ineffective and immoral,” despite evidence that fencing has reduced illegal crossings in certain areas by as much as 95 percent.

The Democrat party has become the party of open borders.  But by all means, citizen, vote Dem.  Cuz we really need more un-vetted immigrants coming into the U.S.  Cuz, reasons.


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