December 21, 2018

A connected govt official who leaked top-seccret info to the media, sentenced to 2 months

The Lying Mainstream Media constantly tells you how terrible it is to lie to the FBI.  They keep your attention on the breathless details of the alleged crimes of Mike Flynn and charges of "collusion" ("Russia Russia Russia"). 

Given the media's outrage! about lying to the FBI, you might expect that if the chief of security for the senate Intelligence Committee was found to have leaked secret information about wiretap warrant applications made under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to his reporter-mistress (30 years younger), then lied to the FBI about it, the media would be...equally incensed, right?

Ah, I see you just arrived on this planet.  Enjoy your visit!

The man in question is James Wolfe.  Surely you know who that is, right?


Gee, that's...odd.  Cuz the 58-year-old Wolfe used his position as "chief of security" for the senate Intel Committee (ironic, eh?) to leak secret information to his 20-year-old mistress.

That's a felony, punishable by up to 10 years in prison. 

Despite the fact that the DOJ knew Wolfe committed that crime, he wasn't even charged with it.

Gosh, that's...odd.  If they knew, why didn't the government charge him with that crime?

Could it possibly be because the information leaked by Wolfe helped the Democrats in their relentless effort to force Trump from office?  Or could it be the DOJ wanted to protect a powerful Dem senator who was co-chair of the intel committee?  (More on that below.)

Many of you likely think these things can't possibly be true, because it would prove the existence of a double-standard applied to lawbreakers, with Dem-supported lawbreakers not even being charged.  

I don't blame you for being skeptical, because as kids all of us were taught that our nation's laws were supposed to apply equally to everyone, regardless of power or political party.  To see clear evidence that this is horse-shit, and that Democrat officials who break the law not only aren't punished, but aren't even charged, would be a shock.  So here's the evidence, from official court filings by the corrupt DOJ itself.  They show that the government had proof that Wolfe leaked Top-Secret information, but then for some mysterious reason agreed to drop all charges if Wolfe agreed to plead guilty to one count of lying to the FBI.

Since you're all too busy to wade thru all those documents, here's the summary:  Fired former FBI director Comey signed "FISA warrants" asking the FISA court to authorize wiretaps on Carter Page.  Shortly thereafter, the senate Intel Committee asked to see the file.  The FBI hand-carried the file to the committee, but in theory only allowed the Republican chair, and the senior Democrat (Mark Warner) to see the file.

  • March 16th, 2017, SSCI requests copy of FISA application to surveil Carter Page
  • March 17th, 2017, a copy of the application was delivered to James Wolfe, Director of Security for the SSCI.  This copy had an intentionally altered date of the application (Oct 19th, vs the true date of Oct 21st).  This is a standard procedure when an agency is trying to identify a suspected leaker: One copy of a document has one or more details deliberately altered, and if the altered material appears in the press, the leak is narrowed to whoever had access to the altered document.  The FISA application is 82 pages long.
  • March 17th, 2017, Wolfe sends his mistress, reporter Ali Watkins, a copy of this altered FISA application via 82 picture text messages (one per page).  The copy Watkins has contains the deliberately altered date. 
  • Numerous media report the existence of the FISA warrant against Trump adviser Page.  All such reporte use the false October 19th date.
  • October 31st, 2017, FBI notifies security director Wolfe of a leak investigation aimed at the Senate Intelligence Committee.
  • December 14th, 2017, Ali Watkins announces she will no longer be covering the SSCI.
  • December 15th, 2017, FBI confronts Wolfe with evidence that he leaked Top Secret intel material to journalists.
  • Before the end of December 2017, Wolfe resigns.
  • FBI obtains search warrant for reporter Ali Watkins, including all her electronic communications.  Watkins is notified by her network provider on February 13th, 2018.
  • June 7th, 2018, Wolfe is arrested.

The FBI was later able to recover text messages showing that Wolfe had leaked the information on the FISA surveillance of the one-time Trump advisor to his lover--who was a reporter for the NY Times.

After this became known, Wolfe's attorneys wrote every member of the senate committee that if the case against their client went to trial they planned to call the members of the committee to testify--something that risked revealing whether the committee's senior Democrat--senator Warner--had suggested that Wolfe leak the information to reporters.  

Shortly thereafter--surprise!--the DOJ dropped the felony charge and offered the astonishingly generous plea deal. 

After Wolfe took the plea deal the government submitted a "sentencing memo," which stated that Wolfe had indeed leaked secret information about the FISA warrant that then-FBI director James Comey signed authorizing wiretaps and surveillance on Trump campaign aide Carter Page. 
The specifics of the Wolfe case--in which the government has proof of a felony (leaking Top-Secret information) but then oddly decides not to prosecute that crime--seems oddly familiar.  I vaguely recall that just a couple of years ago FBI directory Comey unilaterally re-wrote federal law to add an "intent" requirement in order to bring charges against someone for violating laws on handling beyond-Top-Secret information.

And hey, Comey was "the nation's top law-enforcement officer," so he should know the law, right?

Last Thursday a federal judge sentenced Wolfe to two months in jail for one count of lying to the FBI

Two sets of laws, citizen.


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