December 20, 2018

Illegal kills two officers; strangely Cali governor and Kamala Harris don't have a word to say

Not one out of a hundred of you has seen the rage-inducing video of illegal-alien invader--and repeat deportee--Luis Bracamontes in court.  Bracamontes, who'd just been convicted of the ambush murder of two Sacramento law officers, proudly yelled “I wish I had killed more of the motherf**kers.”

Normally the murder of two police officers would prompt California governor Jerry Brown and then-state-attorney-general Kamala Harris to wail about “gun violence” and demand stricter gun control.  But oddly--very oddly--in this case neither said a single word about the deaths, or about the illegal-alien killer's statement in court.

Why, it's almost as though Democrat pols don't want to call attention to gun murders if they're committed by illegal aliens.  Now why might that be?

Of course many Leftists believe minorities are justified in killing eeeevil, oppressive cops, so they're not outraged about this particular killing.  So we should note that Bracamontes also shot Anthony Holmes five times when Homes refused to give up his car.  Holmes was in the courtroom when the verdict was announced.  Bracamontes called Holmes a “nigger,” and yelled “black lives don’t matter!”

Of course my liberal friend will point out that this is merely an anecdote, so doesn't prove anything,  And that's true:  In a large population, people of all stripes will do murderous things.  But if libs claim nothing valid can be concluded from Bracamontes'  acts, I suggest we can learn something quite useful from officials at the top of the liberal food chain--people who are superbly educated and hold positions of great power and responsibility.  If these people make public statements showing...let's say a total misunderstanding of U.S. law...can we draw any valid conclusions from that?

So with that in mind, consider a letter from the Chief "Justice" of California's supreme court, Tani Cantil-Sakauye.  Last year she complained to Attorney General Sessions that ICE agents "appear to be stalking undocumented immigrants in our courthouses to make arrests."

"Stalking."  The Chief "Justice" of Cali is equating agents trying to enforce valid U.S. law with "stalking."  This should tell you all you need to know.  But it won't, so we'll let the judge show misunderstanding of U.S. law some more.

She goes on: "Our courthouses serve as a vital forum for ensuring access to justice and protecting public safety.  They should not be used as bait in the necessary enforcement of our country’s immigration laws.”

"Bait."  Got that?

Sessions replied that “stalking” has “a specific legal meaning in U.S. law:”  it's a crime.  In stark, glaring contrast “the arrest of persons in a public place based on probable cause has long been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court.”  (Since 99 percent of liberals only know the law as interpreted by the NY Times, the case is U.S. v. Watson.)  

As the f'n "Chief Justice" of the state of Cali, you'd think Canti-Sakauye would have run across that decision at some point, and that in her complaint she would have at least tried to explain why that case wasn't applicable to her California, or to illegal alien invaders or whatever.  Instead she ignored it.  Sessions schooled her.

Sessions pointed out that not only are courthouses obviously public places, but all visitors are screened for weapons, thus making it far less likely that an illegal wanting to avoid arrest would shoot it out with agents.  Or take hostages.  Or endanger innocent Americans by shooting.

Cantil-Sakauye has now changed her voter registration from Republican to “no party.”  But one wonders if she was always a "plant"--a lib posing as a Republican.

H/T Front Page


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