December 18, 2018

Dem leaders push for open borders, ignore effects on Americans

For months now our leftist mainstream media have been demanding (there's that word again) that we allow members of the "caravan" at our southern border to be admitted into the United States.

The media have repeatedly insisted that allowing them in will greatly improve our country, because, reasons.

Turns out we can test that claim--because the members of that caravan, the one the mainstream been insisting we allow to enter the U.S. because they'll make our country better, are now camped in Tijuana.  So here's a simple question: How has their presence affected Tijuana?

Genaro Lopez would know the answer. His job is to represent the citizens of that city. We’ve invited Lopez on twice to ask about the caravan. He’s some of what he told us.

It's odd that the mainstream media seems to have become totally uninterested in what's happened to the caravan.  It's almost as though they were only interested as long as they could be used to bash Trump for being "heartless" or anti-immigrant or some such.  Once it became clear that the president's policy wasn't helping Democrats, the media lost interest.

Tiajuana councilman Genaro Lopez reported 280 arrests of "migrants" for drug possession and being drunk, but now for breaking and entering into homes.

Wait, that’s not at all what CNN promised us.

Was Genaro Lopez one of those white nationalists the New York Times is always warning us about? Did he make the whole thing up, pictures and all?  Surely, Dan.  Because uncontrolled immigration of third-world people is unquestionably a good thing.  Just ask the Democrats.  Or CNN.

Everyone wants to come to the U.S.  The leaders of the Democrat party claim we should allow everyone to enter.  No one doubts that most of them are nice people, but as an economic matter that's insane.  It's indefensible, and even the Democrat party has stopped trying to argue the economic benefits.  Instead the leaders of the Dem party demand that we allow anyone in because they claim we have a moral obligation to admit the world's poor.

Unfortunately, the world has about two billion "poor people."  Do the Dems demand we admit all two billion?  If not, would the Dems suggest we draw the line?

They refuse to answer those questions, because they don't want Americans to even consider that argument.  They're just pushing this issue for two reasons: To gain more Dem voters, and to bash Trump.

And of course the leftist mainstream media is delighted with both goals.

The idea of unlimited immigration is being pushed for the profit and the comfort of a relatively tiny number of people. Everybody else gets shafted.  Meanwhile the few people profiting from unlimited immigration don’t want Americans to even think about it.  "Nothing to see here, citizen.  Shut up and go away."

Anyone who complains that open borders hurts Americans is shouted down as “racist!” on social media.  It’s a well-worn tactic. 


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