December 18, 2018

Memoir from the sister of one of the founders of the "women's movement"

The piece below was written by a woman, Mallory Millett.  It can't possibly be true, because it contradicts everything we've been taught about the feminist movement, the National Organization for Women and the marvelousness of the anti-white-male movement.   I've edited it slightly but you can read the original here.
During my junior year of high school the nuns asked about our plans for after graduation. When I said I planned to attend State University they were disappointed.  I asked my favorite nun why.  She answered, “That means you'll leave four years later a communist and an atheist!"

We girls laughed about that.  The nuns were simply unsophisticated. Then I went to the university and four years later walked out a communist and an atheist, just as my sister Kate had six years earlier.

Later I married an American exec stationed in southeast Asia.  I had a daughter, lived there for several years and got divorced.  My sister urged me to move to NYC, saying "We're making revolution! Some of us are starting the National Organization of Women and you can be part of it."  So I moved.

I stayed with Kate and her Japanese husband in a dilapidated loft as she finished her PhD thesis on “Sexual Politics,” which became her first book.  It was 1969.  Kate invited me to join her for a gathering at the home of her friend Lila.  They called it a "consciousness-raising-group," a typical communist exercise, something practiced in Mao's China.

The chairwoman opened the meeting with a back-and-forth recitation, like a type of prayer in Catholic Church.  But here it was Marxism, the church of the Left, mimicking religious practice:

"Why are we here today?" she asked.
"To make revolution," they replied in unison.
"What kind of revolution?" she asked.
"The Cultural Revolution," they chanted.
“And how do we make Cultural Revolution?"
"By destroying the American family!" they answered.
"How do we destroy the family?"
"By destroying the American patriarch," they shouted.
"And how do we destroy the American patriarch?”
"By taking away his power!"
"How do we do that?"
"By destroying monogamy!" they shouted.
"How can we destroy monogamy?"
"By promoting promiscuity, eroticism, prostitution and homosexuality!" they shouted.

I couldn't believe my ears.  Was I on planet Earth?  Who were these people?

There followed a long discussion on how establishing The National Organization of Women would advance these goals.  It was clear their goal was nothing less than the deconstruction of Western society.

The only way to do this, they said, was to invade every American institution.  Every American institution--the media, the educational system, universities, high schools, school boards, even the library system--had to be run by revolutionaries.  Then the judiciary, legislatures and the entire government.

It seemed ludicrous, outlandish, as if a band of imaginative children were planning a Brinks robbery; a lark trumped up by spoiled brats over booze and hashish.  It sounded silly.

One big disconnect was that I had lived for years in a place they'd only perhaps visited for a few days.  I'd seen factory workers and sex-slaves chained to walls.  How could they know?   The experience had made me outgrow the love of communism of my university days.

The women hatching these seemingly insane plans had advanced degrees from the most exclusive universities.  They seemed bright.   Why had such privileged women embraced communism so enthusiastically?

And the conclusion that they'd embraced communism wasn't my paranoia.  My sister got famous for her books and appeared on the cover of “Time,” which called her “the Karl Marx of the women's movement.”  Just as Marx roused the poor by telling them they'd been enslaved, my sister told eager readers the family was a horrible institution in which wives and children were enslaved by their husbands.

The only hope for women, she said, was to be "liberated" (communism’s favorite word).  Her books captivated leftist university professors, and soon "women's studies” courses were installed in colleges nationwide, with Kate Millett books as required reading.

The courses taught daughters that dad was a villain and mother was a fool who allowed a man to enslave her into barbaric practices like monogamy and motherhood, both of which were a waste of her talents.  If a daughter did likewise she would be submitting to life as a mindless drone for some domineering man, an oppressor who had mesmerized her with tricks like love.  The courses taught that men are no damned good and that her best move was to stay unattached.

There's hardly a seventeen-year-old girl who hasn't been angry at a boy who broke her heart in high school.

The goal of these courses was to turn women against men.  The tenderest aspects of her soul were roughened into cynicism.  She was taught that the real purpose of all Western law is to press her into slavery.

Thus sophisticated girls were taught to avoid marriage.  Being referred to as ‘a lady’ was to be insulted.  Chivalry was a cunning means of ownership.

When the women at Lila Karp's table in Greenwich Village set out to destroy the American family,  they succeeded.  As I witnessed at many later meetings, they knew that what they were teaching would tear American society apart.

Americans were told that Ronald Reagan won the Cold War without firing a shot.  But the truth is that the Soviets won--by convincing millions of American women that being a wife and mother, and raising children, was a waste of their time and lives. 

Christina Hoff Sommers says there's a 'war on men' that started a long time ago in gender studies classes and in women's advocacy groups, eager to believe that men are toxic.  Many 'educated women' in the U.S. have drunk from the gender feminist Kool Aid.  Girls at Yale, Haverford and Swarthmore see themselves as oppressed.  This is madness.

I feel compelled to speak plainly about a particularly harmful member of my family.  Loyalty can be highly destructive.  I was silent but at last I'm "spilling the beans."  Militant feminists have been up to something for years and it's not good.  It's evil, and we should be sick to our souls over it.  I know I am. And so, mass destruction, the inevitable outcome of all socialist/communist experiments, leaves behind its signature trail of wreckage.

So much grace, femininity and beauty lost.

So many ruined lives.

Mallory Millett resides in New York City with her husband of over twenty years. 

Millions of "ordinary" Democrats are family-oriented.  But by huge contrast, many of the leaders of the Democrat party seem hostile to the conventional family.  It's not the same party my grandparents supported....not even close.  It's been entirely taken over by the radical Left, which is opposed to everything America has always been. 

The media told Americans we won the Cold War, but the truth is for the last 50 years we've been subverted from within--snookered by clever operators.  The Left's strongholds are the universities.   They took over your children and the media, and now surveys show that a majority of East Coast college students surveyed think socialism is preferable to capitalism.


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