December 18, 2018

23-year-old woman killed--hit-and-run; a metaphor for...what?

Yesterday in Dallas John Adrian Esparza--a man previously convicted for drunk driving--was sentenced to 20 years in prison for fatally hitting 23-year-old Rachel Spelman with his car and then fleeing the scene ("hit-and-run").

For students:  We hope everyone knows that if you hit someone with your car you're supposed stop and try to help the victim.  Call 911.  Instead witnesses said that after hitting the woman Esparza stopped, got out of his car, looked at the woman he'd hit, then got back in the car and fled the scene.

Tells you everything you need to know.  The guy fled because he knew he was drunk or negligent, and would likely be punished.
Read more here:

In court, instead of apologizing, Esparza blamed the victim, saying she was "careless." 

Okay, when I wrote that the guy didn't apologize, that wasn't technically true.  Here's his "apology:"
"I’m sorry she had to be so careless."
Police reported he was driving at least 53 mph in a 30 mph zone.  Esparza's attorney defended his client by claiming the woman he killed was intoxicated, and asked the judge to not sentence his client to jail.  Esparza admitted he'd been drinking (as many witnesses testified) but denied he was drunk.

The 23-year-old victim, and the man who killed her and fled the scene
Now, normally I don't post about things like this.  Everyone already knows the world is filled with negligent people whose casual, unapologetic negligence kills and injures innocent victims.  But this particular story stood out for some reason.

I think it's a metaphor for what we're seeing in the U.S. today.  But I'll leave the rest to readers.

(Details in The Dallas Morning News.)


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